Newcastle Eagles Community Arena

72 GoodGymers have supported Newcastle Eagles Community Arena with 18 tasks.

Top supporters
Anji Andrews
Anji Andrews (she/her)
Aimee (she/her)
Removed User
Removed User (she/her)
Newcastle runner

Previous sessions
NewcastleCommunity mission
Neil Curry
Elliot Carrigan-BowenMaddy Winnard

It will all come out in the wash!

Tuesday 24th October 2023

Written by Newcastle runner

Tonight, Maddy, Elliot, Neil and I tackled the bin shed at Newcastle Eagles. It was a very satisfying task of removing sludge from the ground and giving it a good old wellie (+/- the wellies).

Well done to Maddy! After the task, we found out that it was Maddy's 50th goodgym task.

We will be back next year for our annual bin shed visit. Wellies will definitely be needed.

If anybody is up for going to watch a basketball game, I am sure we can arrange a goodgym social.

All are welcome to goodgym.

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NewcastleCommunity mission
Neil CurryKrishtiBeth Paxton

Swooping into action

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Written by Newcastle runner

The title of the report is reference to the Eagles mascot Swoop who we will meet one day, as well as us all swooping into action.

It was so light this evening, with a little breeze.

Expect to see wildflowers shooting up over the hill, as wild flowers will be planted in the next coming weeks.

It was my first time at the Newcastle Eagles new venue (well not so new now).

Our task this evening was to do some weeding in one of the flower beds. Trying to decide what to keep and what to remove was the trickiest part.

It was good to get stuck in and try and focus directly on the task of weeding and not trying to listen to the internal critic.

The time went so quickly and in the blink of an eye it was time to put our tools away.

There is lots going on at the arena, including weekly volleyball sessions and of course lots of basketball sessions.

If you know of anybody who might be interested in Goodgym please let them know about it all. All are welcome.

Next session is a community mission on Saturday 27th May meeting at 10:30 at the greening Wingrove Bike Garden in Nuns Moor Park.

Next group run is on Monday 29th May (bank holiday Monday) meeting at 18:15 at Stepney Bank Stables.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsAimeeNeil CurryRemoved UserMax BawdenAndrew YoungerPaul Andrews

Scratch and Sniff

Monday 4th July 2022

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

Ok I was unsure whether to proceed with this dodgy pun but it perfectly describes how prickled and hayfever riddled I am after tonight's group run!

Another blue sky Monday for another brilliant weeding session at Newcastle Eagles and the three GoodGym disciplines represented with Charlotte cycling, Aimee and me walking and everyone else running.

We were back in our favourite patch battling the (very scratchy!) weeds as we work through a patch at the front of the arena to keep it looking tidy. We got straight into it tonight picking up tools and hacking away at the weeds. Check out how professional Charlotte looked tonight!

Max regaled us with tales of his jobs in a garden centre and in Greggs where they have a bouncer on the door after 10pm. The things you learn at GoodGym! He also filled us in on his least favourite plant which thankfully he was not faced with tonight.

I have to give special kudos to Andy who has attended all of these super squatting weeding sessions so far- that is proper commitment.

Time flew by before it was time to pack away and finish the last job of moving some fencing from the front of the arena. Paul made this look much easier than it was.

Well done everyone! I'm off to take another antihisthamine.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsAimeeNeil Curry
Andrew Younger

Weed you beelieve it

Tuesday 7th June 2022

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

The sun always shines on Newcastle Eagles arena!

(From experience we know this isn't 100% accurate but it was nice again last night!)

Another great task for us from Neil- task owner and GoodGymer extraordinaire! Last night, Louise and Andy ran, I walked and Neil and Aimee met at the task. We just needed a cyclist to complete the set! We have been working on weeding a small patch of the gardens for the last three visits and its equally back-breaking and rewarding seeing the progress we make. Neil also used the time to catch up on his grass cutting which needed to be done after his week off work.

Aimee arrived a little later tonight at which time we were already stuck in to the task and feeling like we had done 200 squats. Aimee's arrival obviously stunned and delighted a bee who decided to sting her to say hello. I am pleased to report both Aimee and the bee are doing well.

We are back to work on this more in July, but this weekend there is another double Urban Green to get stuck into! Join us at 10am at Nunsmoor Park on Saturday, or Iris Brickfield Park on Sunday.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsNeil CurryAimeeAndrew YoungerMattRemoved User

A good weed for the day

Tuesday 10th May 2022

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

After over four years its still a buzz to get a newbie and tonight we said a big hello to Matt who joined us for the very first time.

Andy was the only runner tonight, with a walking trio, Charlotte cycling and task owner and GoodGymer Neil meeting at the task.

On a gloriously sunny evening we returned to Newcastle Eagles to continue weeding a stretch of the community gardens, and tonight we doubled up with a group of young cadets who were already getting stuck in when we arrived. After two sessions of this and what feels like a million squats, it does start to feel like (and look like!) we are making progress in this patch now.

With three bags filled in just over 40 minutes, we helped Neil to bin the weeds and take the tools back to the store before heading back to our base.

Another good weed ticked off.

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NewcastleGroup run
Eleanor PetersNeil CurryAimeeAndrew YoungerPaul AndrewsKate Aspray

Green and bare it

Monday 25th April 2022

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

I obviously don't have favourites , every GoodGymer is as valuable as the next, but I was SO delighted to welcome OG Kate back to a group run last night. Kate has been at GoodGym from the very first session but like many had a long Covid-related break from activity with us so it was amazing to have her tremendous energy back.

A few late arrivals (including my own) last night meant we set off for the task a little later than planned but with Kate, Paul and Andy running ahead, the task got started before the walkers arrived- phew! Task owner and GoodGymer Neil was as brilliantly organised as ever and had a big green patch ready for our attention.

Our job last night sounded simple- work together using forks and spades to weed a big green patch of the community gardens. Note I said SOUNDED simple, and it was anything but. Trying to strip the cover of tiny green weeds was definitely harder than it looked, but working together we managed to get a section done that filled a few bags up before we started to tidy up. I have to give some kudos to Andrew here who did the bulk of the bagging and lifting to give himself a proper workout.

You can really see the difference we made in the photos- but we are back in two weeks time to keep going if you fancy coming and getting stuck in with us.

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