17 GoodGymers have supported Patriot Square Green Corridor with 3 tasks.
Monday 2nd September 2024
Written by Laura Williams
A brilliant little squad showed up tonight to help Margaret and Natalia tidy the well-used garden around Patriot Square.
This small garden area aligns both sides of the path leading off the square. Used as a useful access to Russia Lane and neighbouring Old Ford Road, as well as a popular dog-walking spot, overhanging rose and blackberry bushes can mean the path gets a little congested.
Last month we headed to join the team to tackle the worst of the branches, returning this evening to finish the inside and bag up last month's stash.
With Natalia on Operation Strimmer and Margaret joining the pruning team, it was down to Oliver and Lucinda to tackle the bulk of last month's waste.
As luck would have it, we were joined relatively early in the proceedings by Cameron, also part of the neighbourhood gardening team, who kindly brought us the team's new supply of sturdy gloves, which helped matters no end.
It was a lovely evening to watch the sunset and join this productive, welcoming team for a spot of gardening, getting the week off to a really great start. Well done everyone.
Next week, we join Larry back at St Leonard's Priory Park, for our first visit of 2024!
Until then.
Monday 12th August 2024
Written by Laura Williams
Sree’s report
“The breakaway Hollybush Team consisting of Chris, Tyler, Michael and Sree were met by Margaret and Ash to assist with shovelling 4 enormous sacks of soil via wheelbarrows to the adjoining children's play area.
The four of us soon made light work of the task - much to the gratitude of Margaret and Ash. We headed back with 10 minutes to spare, to aid the Patriot Square team with the pruning clean up.
It was a pleasure to meet Michael for the first time and likewise catch up with Stephen who has GoodGym’d with Tower Hamlets in the past.”
Chris’s (ChatGPT-tastic) report
“In the quiet dusk of evening's fall, GoodGym gathered, answering the call. Margaret's garden, with tasks to share, Found helping hands and hearts that care.
One Margaret stood with soil to move, Her hopes entwined with every groove. The earth was heavy, yet spirits light, As GoodGym dug through the fading light.
Another Margaret, hedge in hand, Pruned the branches as they’d planned.
She trimmed with care, the evening still, Her garden shaped by gentle will.
The team worked on, with laughter near, Each task a joy, each word sincere. For in this simple, steady toil, They found a bond through hedge and soil.
As stars emerged and moonlight glowed, They packed their tools, their hearts bestowed.
With Margaret's gardens, now renewed, GoodGym departed, spirits imbued.
In every leaf, in every root, Echoed the sound of kind pursuit. For in the twilight’s tender hue, GoodGym's light of giving grew.”
A huge shout-out to the team tonight:
To Chris and Sree for leading the second task; to Rue for leading the Patriot Square Task.
To Sree and Chris for tonight's splendid report, and to Sree for tonight's pun.
Until next time.
Monday 16th October 2023
Written by Laura Williams
We had a great little fitness session in Tower Hamlets before tonight’s task!
After dropping bags at the lovely Town Hall Hotel reception, David, Martin, José and I headed out to local Museum Gardens.
After a couple of laps navigating some rather uneven paths, we settled on a well located park bench for the obligatory weekly Bulgarian split squats.
We moved onto pulsing side plank dips to tackle upper body strength before ‘enjoying’ a couple of running drills, after which we made our way back to the Hotel to meet Vlad and Tamara.
Heading across Patriot Square, we were greeted by tonight’s task owners Katie, Natalia and Margaret, of the Patriot Square Tenants and Residents’ Association.
Why were we here?
Patriot Square TRA and residents are keen to make Patriot Square as wildlife-friendly and usable for all local residents as possible.
A new hedge, complete with blackberry bushes, has provided food and homes for wildlife but it’s grown a bit high. Branches overhang the well-used path, as well as obscuring visibility onto the adjacent dog-walking park. So as the nights draw in, now seemed a good time to improve visibility in this area.
Armed with shears, loppers, secateurs, lights, gloves and some newly-acquired pruning know-how, we got to work. Making our way from entrance to end-of-path, we cut and chopped and bagged lots and lots of overhanging branches and leaves. This proved to be a fantastic upper body workout indeed.
The time seemed to fly by as usual, and it was well after 8 before we gathered for that all-important group pic.
We said our cheerios to the Patriot Square Dream Team before heading our separate ways and looking forward to our next session.
Well done to everyone tonight, for some fab fitness and a good evening’s work. …And an extra big shout-out to our Task Force member Stephen, who set this task up!
Until next time.