parkrun - Princes Park

15 GoodGymers have supported parkrun - Princes Park with 6 tasks.

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Previous sessions
LiverpoolCommunity mission
MarwahChristina Donovan
Jo GTim DwyerPauline Harrison

(park)running out of puns....

Saturday 25th January 2020

Written by Jo G

Our final 5 km parkrun effort for the month saw an octet of GoodGymmers helping out at Princes parkrun. We were also joined by a number of volunteers from the Liverpool branch of 5k Your Way, who were celebrating their first anniversary (with lots of cake!) 5k Your Way is a country-wide community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, families, friends and those working in cancer services to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month. See for more details. We also took advantage of Princes parkrun's new acquisitions of a photo frame and 'Keep quiet' signs (needed more by some than others... I am not naming names...!)

Anyway, back to the GoodGym gang, who ably scanned barcodes, tailwalked and funnel-managed to support 625 runners, joggers and walkers to complete the 5km course (only 7 fewer than last week's all time record attendance!) A special shout out to Jon Sheppard, who we hadn't seen for a little while but were mighty happy to welcome to volunteer today!

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LiverpoolCommunity mission
John ConnaghanJo GClaire
Sam KnottTim DwyerPauline Harrison

Princes barkrun

Saturday 18th January 2020

Written by Liverpool runner

Do you like wearing red t-shirts? Do you like hi-viz? Do you like doggies? Well, 6 of our amazing Liverpool GoodGymmers ticked all these boxes at Princes Parkrun this morning!

This week we saw ANOTHER record attendance at Princes parkrun. 632 two-legged friends completed the course along with lots of lovely 4-legged good boys and girls (see photos for some of our faves)! We had so many runners that we even ran out of finish tokens!

Well done to all our volunteers: dream team Sam and Roz doing scanning, Jo writing unscannables, Tim and John as brilliant funnel managers and Pauline as the tailwaker (though without a tail). The team also helped with set-up and clear-up after the run!

If you missed us today you can join us at Stanley Junior Parkrun or Mystery Junior Parkrun at 8.40am tomorrow or at Princes again next Saturday!

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LiverpoolCommunity mission
John ConnaghanJo G
Ruth AshtonSam KnottClarissaPauline Harrison

Breaking records, keeping scores at Princes parkrun

Saturday 11th January 2020

Written by Jo G

Another Saturday, 9.00 a.m., and where else would you be but parkrun! A windy but dry morning saw 7 GoodGymmers filling much of the volunteer rota at Princes parkrun. And just as well - this was the biggest EVER turnout in Princes parkrun's 455 events (they started in 2011 when GoodGym was still wearing short trousers. Come to think of it, we still do, some of the time anyway!)
An all-time record number of runners, walkers or joggers made their way round the two-and-half lap 5km course, ably assisted by 26 volunteers, including Roz and Sam on scanning, Jo on unscannables, and Pauline and Tom as tailwalkers. We were especially pleased to meet Tom Elcock who was visiting Liverpool today from GoodGym Leeds and who tailwalked with Pauline to record his 247th different parkrun venue in 11 different countries.

I don't know if it's because we all have such magnetic personalities, or it's just a coincidence, but GoodGym have volunteered at Princes parkrun on two successive weeks and have seen the (then) second-highest ever attendance of 521 last week, followed by a record 591 participants (obliterating the previous record of 525) this week! If we keep this up they'll be running out of finish tokens!

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LiverpoolCommunity mission
Ruth AshtonSam KnottPauline HarrisonJo G

parkrun - Good (Gym) fun!

Saturday 4th January 2020

Written by Jo G

The first Saturday of the new year traditionally sees a jump in the number of people attending their local parkrun, and 4th January 2020 was no exception for Princes parkrun in Liverpool. Luckily, six GoodGymmers were on hand to help boost the volunteer numbers. Taking on a variety of roles including barcode scanners (Sam and Roz), unscannable barcode writer-downerer (Jo), funnel manager (Ruth) and tailwalkers (Mat and Pauline), we helped 521 runners, walkers and joggers complete the 5km course safely. This is actually the second-highest attendance ever at Princes! Special shout outs also to GoodGym Liverpool members Yan Ding who achieved a PB, and Kira Harrison on her first run at Princes.

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LiverpoolCommunity mission
YanKira HarrisonMarwahSam KnottPauline Harrison

Starting the New Year...the GoodGym Way

Wednesday 1st January 2020

Written by Pauline Harrison

2020 dawned bright and dry as four fantastic GoodGym runners signed up to help marshal at Princes Park.

The first Parkrun of the new decade drew a crowd of almost 350 runners, and our first task was to help cheer them on as they set off in pursuit of pb's and New Year resolutions. The fastest finishers flew past in record times.

Pauline was understudy to Matt, who was stepping down after four years as race organiser, handing out finisher tokens. Kira and Sam had the daunting task of scanning barcodes, while Yan, armed with a very official looking clipboard, was in charge of writing down details for those that were un-scanable.

The atmosphere was fab, runners gave it their all, and the marshalling team were a very friendly, supportive and encouraging bunch.

Several GoodGym runners took to the track, racking up some of the first km's of the year...towards our January Challenge target. Well done John, Eimear and Adam.

Looking forward to helping out again on Saturday, earlier time, same place. 😉

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