(she/her) Once a proper runner, Jo is now mostly to be found plodding along at the back of the pack. Officially ace at recognising weeds.
0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
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Reports written
Sat 15th Feb at 8:45am
Liverpool Report written by Heetu
With 4 runners, 1 walker/supporter/cheerer and 2 breakfast eaters...we all deserve some sort of loyalty points for Month 2 of GG does PR. Sallyann is keeping us guessing on categories and prizes.
Well we all started at different points...
I did not see Siân for dust after the start line!
Jo and I chatted as we pottered along the route.
Amina did fab as she went blazing through to the finish line.
Lucien was waving and gathering us together after barcode scanning.
Then we all made our way to investigate the next cafe on Lodge lane and to meet the breakfasters that had come straight from bed after their eventful evenings!