Raggy Road Allotments Group

Members join and are initially provided with a small patch of land to grow produce.
Community Allotments

4 GoodGymers have supported Raggy Road Allotments Group with 13 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Overgrown weed digging.

Monday 30th September 2024 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Previous sessions
SloughCommunity mission
Agnija Cimoska

Weed all about it

Saturday 13th July

Written by Manjit Birk

On Saturday Agnija spent a few hours at Raggy Rd allotments helping to tidy up some plots for service users who have mobility issues. This vital help means that these ladies can now start sowing the seeds and looking after their own plots

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SloughCommunity mission
Agnija Cimoska

Fresh Cut

Sunday 16th June

Written by Manjit Birk

This morning Agnija spent a couple of hours helping Anita from Raggy Rd Allotments with more cutting back if the plots, getting them ready their service users to plant new produce.

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SloughCommunity mission

Working at Ragstone Road Allotment

Saturday 18th May

Written by Keith

When I arrived I removed rubbish from a plot and started to rotate the soil, ready for planting seeds. Using the rotavator to break down the soil. After this I used the strimmer to cut back all the long grass around the borders to the path and at the perimeter nearing the fence. This was raked (& Swept) into piles. I moved a incinerator to a suitable position away from overhanging trees and rested this onto a platform of bricks. This allowed my co worker to get set on burning all the cuttings we had accumulated over the past weeks. All in all a thoroughly positive day shared by those I met who were also working on there plots.

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SloughCommunity mission

Ragstone Rd Allotment

Saturday 11th May

Written by Keith

When I arrived I got to work with the strimmer and cut back overgrown weeds and long grass. Making sure the paths were clear and redefining the borders to patches and paths running in-between them. The waste was raked into piles and cleared to be taken away and discarded.

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SloughCommunity mission
Samuel TuckerAgnija Cimoska

Turn’ip over

Saturday 27th April

Written by Manjit Birk

Today Samuel and Agnija continued with their hard work at helping turn over allotment plots for Raggy Rd Allotments. Their help is very much appreciated by task owner Anita.

Great to see the difference the team are making. Today's efforts helped out a lady who'd had a hip replacement and therefore was unable to do the digging herself.

We look forward to going along this coming Monday evening to do more work here.

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SloughCommunity mission
KeithSamuel Tucker

Weed had a lot of fun at the allotments

Saturday 23rd March

Written by Manjit Birk

Well done to our Saturday community missioners Samuel, Jen and Keith for helping Raggy Rd allotments team on our first ever task with them.

The team arrived to a plot that was covered in hairy weeds and looked like a little sleeping monster! After digging up the weeds and rotavating the soil, clearing rubbish and removing a fence then finally adding compost they were done! A pat on the back for making the plot look less thick and ready for the Raggy Rd team to use with their service users.

Also a huge congratulations to Samuel on his 200th good deed!

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