River Wensum clean up

Norwich city centre river clean up
Clears the banks and river of rubbish and litter

7 GoodGymers have supported River Wensum clean up with 2 tasks.

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NorwichCommunity mission

Cleaning until the litter end

Saturday 29th October 2022

Written by Jonathan

With heavy rain earlier on in the morning, wet weather was expected however the sun soon shone and it began to heat up. Having not advertised the event well I was the only Goodgymer to sign up, however around thirty green party members as well as the general public were ready for some litter picking on a fine Saturday morning. Three different groups were available to join; litter picking on a canoe as a pair or heading right or left along the river as a walking group. Having registered and collected my gloves, hi-vis and litter picker, I caught up with the left side group.

One hour later and after collecting one full bag and just as areas seemed fully litter picked, a bush would revealed more litter licking goodies including beer cans amongst some dangerous syringes which were left alone and reported via the council website.

Items found included plastic, a halloween ghost light, road lamp and a fully working bike!

After a great day spend meeting new people, one of the group kindly took my photograph!

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NorwichCommunity mission
JonathanElizabeth HSamNeedhamDavid TuthillStacy BradleyRobbie MacAndrea Auburn

A bridge too far

Saturday 5th June 2021

Written by Elizabeth H

5 Goodgymers, Dave (and family), Andrea, Sam, Jonathan &I ( 2nd CM of the day) gathered together with Peter from this morning’s Community Mission at Pulls Ferry beauty spot by the river for a riverside area litter pick. Again after H&S and Covid guidance, sign in for Tack and Trace we were off on another litter pick. There was also the opportunity for two people to join in a rowing boat litter pick. This Mission was extremely hot! There were lots of people about along the bank side so we all remembered social distancing. Jonathon found a nook and cranny that gave up a number of items of litter which we think had been there for years and years, filling his bin bag quite quickly so Andrea and Sam took their turn to empty the chasm! After an hour we turned to go back joining up with Dave and family, deposited our bin bags and all made our weary way home

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