26 GoodGymers have supported Sanctus with 21 tasks.
Wednesday 1st May 2024
Written by David Chatterjee
Oh it is lovely not to need jumpers while we do good! As we met it was great to see Fay pull up, selecting the hardest space to park in, and whip out our certificate and trophy which we won from beating the streets of Chelmsford! We posed and Martin eyed the prize Sallyann cradled and practiced drinking wine from, while Nisar was unsure why we were all so happy!
We headed off on route on a lovely jaunt through the park laughing at Joe's poor choice of french car and Andy wondered where in Writtle campus the secret new activity will be. Seeing Rich trying to steal the trophy we sped to meet him. Dividing up the leaflets we delivered them around old moulsham with aplomb and chatting about the eagerly anticipated police, fire and crime commissioner elections tomorrow. Great work to help out Mind, Sanctus and Headway charities everyone.
When we ran out we said our goodbyes to some and ran back, bumping into Richard E on the way. Casually walking down the street holding a pint going to put his bins out. Joel was incredibly jealous and inspired. Legend. We stopped for a photo at a restaurant which expressed one of our favourite sayings at GoodGym, 'Oh Rich' and ran back. Erin left us in her dust, inspired by a full bladder.
Don't forget - pub quiz this Sunday. New Beaulieu task at some point this month, and Andy's 250th Parkrun this weekend!!
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Written by Chelmsford runner
This week we were back at our favourite allotment to see how our crops were doing. We started off with some news of a 70’s themed night that Laurie attended at the weekend. Some of the treats included vol-au-vents, quiche, bacon wrapped Spam (which I am assured is nicer than it sounds) and Bread and Butter pudding. Kirk then lead us along the river as Laurie backmarked on our short run to the allotment.
After the disappointment of our last group visit where the potatoes and tomatoes had caught blight there was unfortunately some more sad news in store for us. Upon arrival everyone got straight to work. Lucy and Jenny watered what they could but it soon became clear a few more of our plants had issues. The spinach, cabbage and spring onions have not grown but lots of weeds have. Joel picked a carrot to see how they were doing; ‘stunted’ was probably the best description. Clearly something had stopped them growing down into the soil, Kirk picked some of the radishes and discovered they had gone rotten.
Thankfully there were some good things; the peas seem to be growing well!! Laurie got under the netting to clear the weeds from around the Peas and give them some support, that’s dedication for you! And Jenny was able to harvest some Raspberries and Rhubarb stalks so along with the stunted carrots we have something to give to Sanctus. David also showed up with his strimmer to clear some of the pathways which was much needed and provided this week’s pun (thank David).
The rest of the session was spent trying to clear the patches of failed crops with thoughts turning to protecting our hard work so far over winter and preparing to start a fresh next year!
Next week we have our first social in about 18 months!! Drinks and Pizza on Thursday which you can sign up to here and we will be back at the allotment for our Group Run which you can sign up to here.
Monday 23rd August 2021
Written by David Chatterjee
I arrived late to see James trying to drive off! I soon stopped him and we headed to the allotment.
We watered and fed everything there while discussing the weekend’s football. I think some of it needs taking up - a couple of the potatoes are coming back to life but a couple may have sadly perished.
Good to do a task though!
Wednesday 11th August 2021
Written by Laurie Chatterjee (she/her)
We met up at Mildmay Gym on a warm Wednesday evening for our group run to Sanctus allotment.
We particularly welcomed Jenny who hadn't been on a group run for a while, and Ian on his second group run.
After a quick warm up, Joel led us out on a slightly longer route to our task. We were all shocked and disheartened to find that the previously flourishing potatoes and tomatoes had been hit by blight, meaning that they will need to be dug up and disposed of. After some reflection, everyone carried on with watering and weeding the other beds. The good news is that the peas, radishes, and rhubarb were all looking healthy!
We left the allotment, via a look at one of our favourite allotments with its hens, and were greeted by our founding father Ken for his first goodgym venture in quite some time!
The fitness session tonight was increasing from a jog, to a steady run, to a sprint between lamposts along the bunny walks. Ken's attendance had put some pressure on my ability to lead a fitness session, so I was glad when he added some enthusiasm and got involved with the group. Everyone did a brilliant job, but particular shout out to Joel, Kirk and Ken for picking up the pace! And thanks to Jenny, James and Andy for keeping me company at the back.
Thanks all for keeping the spirits up in the face of disappointment, we'll get there with this very worthwhile task for Sanctus!
Hopefully see some faces at parkrun, and looking forward to hearing how Kirk has got on with learning all about potato blight.
p.s thanks to all for being there for my 200 good deeds over the years!
Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Written by Chelmsford runner
Ian and myself, okay mainly Ian collected a compost bin from a lovely couple who have donated it to the Sanctus allotment and took it down there. So now we can make our own compost from all those weeds we dig up!
Thanks for all your help Ian, no way I could have managed this without you!
Wednesday 28th July 2021
Written by Chelmsford runner
This week was my first time leading a Group Run, and nerve wracking it was too. Not sure if that was obvious whilst reading out the run briefing but I don’t think I made too many mistakes. We started with welcoming Ian to his first GoodGym session. Well done for not letting the weather put you off and getting stuck right in Ian. Hopefully see you at another session soon! In terms of news David went surfing at the weekend as part of a stag do. And he did manage to stand on the board… for all of one and half seconds. Better than I will ever manage.
After a fantastically led warm up if I do say so myself, Adam and Joel led us to the Sanctus allotment with Laurie backmarking. As it’s not too far from our starting base at the University we took a slightly longer route, and a few people decided to do a extra lap of the park when we reached our destination.
There were a lot of little jobs that needed doing at the allotment, the main one being weeding. It was great to see some of the plants that we’ve only fairly recently planted have flourished. The potatoes in particular are growing rapidly and the tomato plants are starting to grow a few green tomatoes here and there!
Ian got stuck right in with pulling weeds from around the cabbage seeds we had sown along with Andy. Adam and Laurie put fencing around one of the beds, getting it ready for some netting to protect our young plants. Joel tended to the tomato plants making sure they were supported on the bamboo sticks and doing some weeding. Anna made sure every plant had a good drink with some fertiliser and David seemed to be pulling up weeds absolutely everywhere. As we were nearing the end of our time and most people were getting out weeds in the potato patch a helicopter flew overhead, leading to David’s timely pun for the run report, thanks David!!
After we’d cleared away the tools it was time for a fitness session, everyone’s favourite; Hill sprints!! All the talk before the run had been focussed on the weather with torrential downpours forecast right for the middle of our session. Thankfully the worst we experienced was a slight drizzle, which led to some rather fantastic views. On route to a rather steep hill we spotted a magnificent rainbow in a clearing, making for a great photo opportunity. Still we weren’t here to admire the views, it was time to get fit. We ran up the hill at the side of the park as fast as we could in single file and walked back down to make sure we were recovered for the next sprint, doing 6 reps in total.
We said goodbye to Andy as we took a short run back to the university for a quick debrief and a stretch. Well done everyone for all your hard work, both on the task, and the hill sprints. As I failed to start my watch I’ve no idea how far we ran, or our average pace. Oops. I will remember for next time... Hopefully.
Next week there is a task on Tuesday to collect a compost bin for the allotment and a Group run on the Wednesday.
See you all again soon!!