Wednesday 11th August 2021
Report written by Laurie Chatterjee (she/her)
We met up at Mildmay Gym on a warm Wednesday evening for our group run to Sanctus allotment.
We particularly welcomed Jenny who hadn't been on a group run for a while, and Ian on his second group run.
After a quick warm up, Joel led us out on a slightly longer route to our task. We were all shocked and disheartened to find that the previously flourishing potatoes and tomatoes had been hit by blight, meaning that they will need to be dug up and disposed of. After some reflection, everyone carried on with watering and weeding the other beds. The good news is that the peas, radishes, and rhubarb were all looking healthy!
We left the allotment, via a look at one of our favourite allotments with its hens, and were greeted by our founding father Ken for his first goodgym venture in quite some time!
The fitness session tonight was increasing from a jog, to a steady run, to a sprint between lamposts along the bunny walks. Ken's attendance had put some pressure on my ability to lead a fitness session, so I was glad when he added some enthusiasm and got involved with the group. Everyone did a brilliant job, but particular shout out to Joel, Kirk and Ken for picking up the pace! And thanks to Jenny, James and Andy for keeping me company at the back.
Thanks all for keeping the spirits up in the face of disappointment, we'll get there with this very worthwhile task for Sanctus!
Hopefully see some faces at parkrun, and looking forward to hearing how Kirk has got on with learning all about potato blight.
p.s thanks to all for being there for my 200 good deeds over the years!
Wed 11th Aug 2021 at 10:55pm
Well done Laurie!! 200 good deeds... What a legend!!!
Thu 12th Aug 2021 at 9:31am
200!!! Absolute mayhem
Thu 12th Aug 2021 at 2:14pm
Congratulations Laurie - 200 good deeds WOW
Refreshing the skirting boards in the back hall