Slough Gymnastics Club

Driven by passion and enthusiasm for gymnastics
A local community based gymnastics club which is offers and all inclusive approach to its members

14 GoodGymers have supported Slough Gymnastics Club with 2 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
SloughGroup run
Ricky KloayDarrenMeera PatelNisha Bilkhu
Manjit Birk

Grip Up and Beam It

Monday 11th March 2019

Written by Manjit Birk

Upcoming Events

With our WWF events coming up soon (w/c 25th March), please do have a look at the two events we have lined up and come and support them both…one even involves drinks in a posh bar post task..can’t get better than that

We will also be looking at doing some Spring Clean events as part of the Great British Spring Clean initiative (23rd March to 23rd April) so keep an eye out for these

Good Gym'Nastics

This evening’s task originally was to help Slough Gymnastics Club pack up their equipment in time to move to another facility. However, due to a change in circumstances with the Club we were tasked with sorting out the store cupboard instead.

As the club is based across the road from our base location we decided to do a few laps of the park before making the journey (across the road). Thank you to Run Leaders Darren and Ricky for leading the run session today. They were absolutely beaming when I asked them to start practising their Run Leader skills. Ricky took lead today with the welcome brief and warm up games and Darren took charge of the main run out. Great session guys! That backwards running was better than forwards running

We also welcomed Caron this evening. Most of us already know Caron as one of our valued task owners (DASH Charity) a keen runner herself she wanted to see the other side of Goodgym tonight

Nice to MEET you

We arrived at the centre ready to give it some blood, sweat and chalk! Amy, the Club Manager welcomed us in and gave us a brief on what she needed doing.

She had pre-warned me that she would do a round off of exercises at the end of our task, however, I decided not to tell the team that, as they would have bent over backwards not to come tonight! (I’ve done Amy’s adult gymnastics classes in the past and have first-hand experience of how tough they are!)

Real athletes don’t wear underpants…they wear leotards (my leotard can safely stay in the bottom of my drawer)

Let’s Split

Was what I thought I heard from the team, however, they all stayed like the true Goodgym’ers they are and eagerly took their time doing the task…in hope of less ‘flippin fun’ later

We packed mats, weights, cones, discs, chalks and vacuumed the very bouncy floor in good time so guess what we had time to do?

Grip Up and Beam It

Task complete…we started to warm up for those dreaded gymnastics drills (I don’t think anyone will ever complain about my fitness sessions again).

Amy had us doing box splits, cups, cartwheels, handstands, bicycles, beam work…our legs were ready to leave and our arms are still locked in a hands up position. But we gave it our best smiles and pointy toes.

Darren was quite proud of his cartwheel spin skills, Ricky mastered that bridge and Meera…well the tigress came out in Meera tonight. Kam has some hidden skills too whereas I was just happy to have made a few centimetres of progress on my stretches

It’s phenomenal what the children at this facility can do…They had lots of giggles watching 9 grown ups trying to do what comes so easily to them…as Sara said…We were a classic example of what the kids will be like in a few decades time if they don’t keep up the training! Keep training kids…don’t be like us

Thank you Amy for having us over for a task this evening. We wish you and the club all the very best for the future and seriously hope you get a new facility so we can come back and show you our progress

Next week’s task is to The Jubilee River Riverside Centre. A nice 1.5km each way for those tired achey legs that Sut Yee, Darren and I will have after doing the Reading Half on Sunday

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SloughGroup run
Ricky KloayRobert

From pike to parallel bars not a roundoff or rings in sight

Monday 27th August 2018

Written by Manjit Birk

Nothing stopped our super seven runners this evening.... after their body parts warm up they cartwheeled their way around Slough dropping leaflets in the freestyle way only GoodGym runners can ( one leg in front of the other!)... for Slough Gymnastics Club

A very warm welcome to Jen as a first timer and to Anthony as an old timer but first time to Slough

Tool less

Fifth session for Ricky but no tools this time... just 200 leaflets which were delivered in a jiffy

Speedy Seven

After completing the task in a supersonic time we all headed out to Godolphin Playing Fields for some anaerobic speed work

I think the guys were hoping for a nice gentle end to a bank holiday Monday but instead they got this:

  • 100 meter sprint.. 30 second recovery
  • 200 meter sprint...60 second recovery
  • 300 meter sprint... 60 second recovery
  • 400 meter sprint... and sprawl out on the floor until ready to reverse repeat the session... phew!

And the judges scores are in

10 out of 10 for effort, grace and style! Amazing run by Anthony who really tested his lungs today... to Jen, Keira and Lorraine for their superb efforts and finally to Ricky and Aneta for motivating each other ( or maybe competing against each other!)

Whats up?

Various runners have suggested we put a whats app group together for our runners... I'm more than happy to set this up... just message me your number on 07718 905 286

Holiday... celebrate...

I'm away next week so the lovely Liv from Ealing will be covering my session.. It will be a local affair... salt hill park to salt hill stream with our launch task owner Claire from the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust... be ready for those waders

Have a great week everyone and I'll see you on the 10th for the Wexham Park Hospital task

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