Wood Green Library Garden Project

A community-led project to put the Green back into Wood Green
Community groups have created a green garden in the grounds of Wood Green Library in an attempt to re-energise the green revolution in this part of Haringey

14 GoodGymers have supported Wood Green Library Garden Project with 11 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
HaringeyGroup run
Euclides MontesLatoya StephensCharlie LintonNurjehanNiamh Ni LongainSarah MooreVeronika

No Ifs, No Butts

Wednesday 6th December 2023

Written by Euclides Montes

Five Goodgymmers avoided becoming the butt of the joke by snatching a victorious task out of the jaws of an uncertain evening at the Library Gardens in Wood Green.


After a task cancellation, Gramps was sent topsy-turvy in search of a new mission for our GGH crew on a very cold Wednesday evening. Thankfully, the Chair of the Friends of Wood Green Library (a top lad by all accounts) came to our rescue with a litter picking session of the Library Gardens.

'After a quick inspection this morning,' he said to Gramps while looking at himself in a mirror for some reason, 'I can see the site is full of cans and rubbish so it would really benefit from some Goodgym Love.' (Actual quote requested by Niamh). Gramps abided and duly led our motley squad to the Gardens expecting a busy task.

Alas - or, perhaps, luckily depending on your perspective - at some point between morning inspection by the Chair of the Friends of Wood Green Library and the evening arrival of Gramps and co, street sweepers had done a stupendous job and cleared up the site.

Never ones to shirk away from our responsibilities, our Goodgymmers rolled up their sleeves and started collecting hundreds of cigarette butts from the flower beds. Reader, so many butts. Inevitably, the conversation turned towards naked runs and jogging butts but we'll leave this bit unprinted. At some point, someone even confessed to a momentary lapse of common sense by admitting to being fleetingly amused by Nigel Bloody farage in the jungle but that conversation was very quickly stopped. GGHexit mean GGhexit. #TeamRemainAndReform

Towards the end, we found some time to pull some crackers and sing some songs by the big Christmas tree but the video is unpublishable as I don't want Wham anyone even though I have been assured covers are exempt from Whamaggedon rules.

Join us next week for the last task of this year. And a social - venue TBC. Boom.

Rest in Power, Brother <3

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HaringeyGroup run
Euclides MontesLatoya StephensCharlie LintonNurjehan

Are You Foursome Tonight?

Wednesday 1st March 2023

Written by Euclides Montes

4 Wonderful Goodgymmers armed themselves with litter pickers and gave the gardens at the Wood Green Library a good seeing to this evening

Time To Hit The Books

After our main task for today was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the Wood Green Library Gardens welcomed us with open arms and a multitude of cigarette butts for a timely litter pick session.

Nurj, Latoya, and Charlie joined a very chilly Gramps for a tour of the library grounds where we did a very swift but thorough clean up session. There were plenty of half-drunk drinks, empty bottles, crisp packets, and the ever-present cigarette butts to keep us busy for a while.

While we all hankered after macaroni cheese and alcoholic beverages, Latoya took the biscuit by hurrying us along so she could make it to the gym for an abs-buster sesh. Machine!

Never one to disappoint, our team worked extra hard so we could send Latoya on her way and the rest of us could go home too in search of abs-filling carbs and warmth.

By around 7:50 we had claimed victory and hugged our way into a very long goodbye (remember when we couldn't hug each other? F*** me, those were awful times).

Once we had agreed that some of us would make it to parkrun over the weekend, we all went our separate ways. Short but sweet.

Join us next week as we visit the good folk at T On The Green.

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HaringeyGroup run
Julie FisherCharlie LintonAlex Cameron-SmithLatoya StephensSarah MooreNurjehan

The Best Laid Plants Often Go Awry

Wednesday 19th January 2022

Written by Euclides Montes

8 Goodgymmers congregated tonight under the Wolf Moon for a frankly surreal session, tending to the Library Gardens in Wood Green.

Don't Leaf Me This Way (Without Tending To My Moss)

After a last minute task cancellation, we visited the Library Gardens last night as both Goodgymmers and locals seemed to fall under the lycanthropic influence of the Wolf Moon.

Gramps's knee is still as useful as a chocolate teapot at the moment so Sarah Moore, 40, stepped in to save the day and lead the run to task. Hero.

Once on site, we got on with the business at hand - which included doing a litter pick and planting over 300 crocuses, while navigating a rowdy crowd of locals.

Our Goodgymmers didn't hesitate to crack on with their task with aplomb and a bit of mossy banter (you really had to be there!) and we called it quits once the werewolves were fully at the door, chucking plants around.

Surreal night.

Join us next week for a slightly earlier start as we visit the good folk at Traid.

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HaringeyGroup run
Latoya StephensBecca WKapilCharlie LintonAlex Cameron-SmithKathleen Fox

It'll be all o-K on the night

Wednesday 24th November 2021

Written by Euclides Montes

On a night of high emotion, 11 Goodgymmers got together for a last minute, choose-your-own-adventure type of evening around Haringey.

Ping ponging all over the shop

Our task at the Haringey Learning Partnership had to be cancelled at the last minute so Gramps wasted no time in acquiring some litter pickers and coming up with a new plan. After all, tonight was a special night as we were bidding a fond 'see you soon' to our very own Special K, who's moving on to warmer pastures. Nothing was going to ruin our K's last run with us for the foreseeable!

Armed with our litter pickers, we ran towards the Westbury Banks Nature Reserve where we took care of the Westbury Avenue side of the Reserve. We then ran towards the Library Gardens in Wood Green, where we also managed to collect quite a lot of litter and a few burpees along the way.

Afterwards, we retired for an evening of table tennis, pizzas, tears, and much love.

We'll miss you, Kapil - and we can't wait to see you again.

Join us next week for more fun.

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HaringeyCommunity mission
KapilRosa RendonEuclides Montes

TV Or Not TV

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Written by Euclides Montes

The Library Garden was the star of a Euronews report that will be aired during the European Green Week later in the month, and GGH was at hand to help make it look great for the camera, and we even ended having our very own close up.

Three Goodgymmers (and two elves) helped to water, weed, tidy and even plant some seeds.

Afterwards, Kapil and the elves indulged in their own 15 minutes with a very spirited public display of burpees.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a sunny Wednesday afternoon.

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HaringeyCommunity mission
Rosa RendonEuclides Montes

Did you hear about the guy who entered a drinking contest?

Tuesday 15th September 2020

Written by Euclides Montes

He came in thirst place.

Speaking of which, my partner in crime for the day was stricken down by the dreaded 'back to school lurgy' but undeterred, I cracked on with watering the library gardens on my own and they were as thirsty as a twitter account during full lockdown!

But fear not, they are thirsty no more. And seeing them being used by the locals was an added bonus.

Happy days!

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