0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
2 Month Streak
Block or report Charlotte Anstey
Tue 10th Dec 2024 at 6:45pm
Lambeth Report written by Yianny (he / him)
It's that time of year again (where has 2024 gone?!) and the Lambeth crew were out in force for our task with Holy Trinity followed by the winter social!
Yule be pleased to know that this report won't be full of bad puns or riddles unlike the GG End of Year Quiz...
As a rare occurrence we all met at HT to help Nicole, Adam and the team get the place ready for the Christmas carrolling service, which meant chair stacking / unstacking / shifting / rolling and storing. The gangways needed to be just large enough for people to get through jingle file and tables were covered with foil and battery operated candles.
We also had the use of two carpet washers - sleigh what?! - and could artistically place the candles around the place to look magical.
But wait there's myrrh, the task was rounded off with a visit to the straw hall to see it open and completed (with GG having helped out in past tasks) while Adam made use of the kitchen to prepare some hot snacks for everyone which was berry welcome.
And so deer friends we headed to the pub for our GG Quiz of the year, some mulled and unmulled wine, amazing prizes and sweet treats.
It only remains for me to thank everyone not only for last night but also the whole year of doing good while getting fit, you guys are awesome :0)
We are back next week for the last Group Run of 2024 so hope to see you there!
Tue 10th Dec 2024 at 6:45pm
Prepare the space for Christmas Carol Service
Read moreTue 26th Nov 2024 at 6:45pm
Lambeth Report written by Yianny (he / him)
The winter nights are truly with us now as we had a crisp late November in Brixton where Charlotte and Tilly met AA Yianny before we set off to our task.
We had a few people running late who would meet us at Holy Trinity and we were delighted to welcome along Rhiannon fir her first GG session, great to have you with us! Also meeting us there were our resident cyclists Marie-Noelle and Paul, Lambeth legend Michael and of course Nicole, Adam and HT volunteers and Father Nature himself James, it was a bumper group for a bumper task.
HT had received two truckloads of steaming woodchip and we divided into two groups, one shovelling into the wheelbarrows and the other running it up to Ivy's garden at the back to spread it in the orchard.
It felt like a new record was set with many tens of barrows being wheeled up but if you tried to count them all it would leave you barking...... ;0)
We wrapped with a reminder that in two weeks we are back at HT for our Christmas / end of year task and social (along with a chance to see the new hall in all its' glory) so do check that one out and get signed up - we will head to the pub afterwards for a GG quiz and drinks. https://www.goodgym.org/happenings/holy-trinity-carol-prep-gg-christmas-party-tuesday-s-group-run
Huge thanks to all and see you next time.