0 Month Streak
3 Month Streak
Block or report Deborah Skinner
Mon 2nd May 2022 at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner
On a mild May day Bank Holiday numbers were down but spirit's were up as Tabitha Pete and Helen met in Willesden green, warmed up and ran 3km to our task.
We soon made it to Queens Park where goodymers Sam and Deborah met us ready to start delivering leaflets for Queens Park Community council. Their chairman John was waiting eagerly with a car boot full of leaflets, and a list of streets that needed leafleting.
We shared out the leaflets, and split the streets and set to work. Pete and Helen won bonus fitness points as they dropped leaflets to houses with doors alternating between up and down a flight of stairs. Sam, Tabitha and Deborah finished their first street in no time, and started on a second. John helpfully drove his car to regular meeting points so that we would only need to carry one box of leaflets at a time.
It wasn't long until we had delivered to all of our allocated streets, so we re grouped for a team photo, before heading off...some straight home and others 3km back to Papagayo for a well earned drink :-)
Thu 22nd Apr 2021 at 5:00pm
Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner
Goodgym Brent joined Harlesden Mutual Aid for a cleanup at Roundwood park on #Earthday Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it ) the earlier group of litter pickers had done such a great job that there was very little litter left for us to pick. After finding the last few bits of rubbish we posed for a photo, made plans for future projects, and took a walk round Roundwood . Thanks all !
Thu 22nd Apr 2021 at 5:00pm
Helping Harlesden Mutual Aid with their Earth Day Clean-Up
Read moreMonday 19th October 2020
Deborah Skinner earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.
Deborah completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Deborah was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.
Mon 19th Oct 2020 at 7:00pm
Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner
Queens Park Community Council has produced new leaflets which they needed help to deliver, and ten Goodgymers answered the call. Lucie had kindly pre- packed boxes with leaflets for each street, so it was easy to divide up the task between us all. Each household received two leaflets, Queens Park Voice outlines the support available during the COVID pandemic, and highlighting all the work they have done so far. The second leaflet was a map of the local area, with a guided walk of local places of interest, and plenty of facts and trivia. We set out and delivered the leaflets, with enough time for us each to take a second street (and some even a third!) A patrolling police van checked up on us, but declined the suggestion of helping us out In just over an hour we managed to deliver over 1000 leaflets, and Lucie was so pleased with the help we gave QPCC. We posed for a team photo, and walked, ran or cycled home . Thank you everybody!!!
Mon 19th Oct 2020 at 7:00pm
Helping to ensure that our local neighbourhood is aware of covid services
Read moreMon 18th May 2020 at 7:00pm
Brent Report written by Pritesh Mistry
Well in Brent we only take HIIT!
Great session today, despite sound issues, timing issues and general lack of space for my demonstrations we worked super hard again this week!
The big news is that GoodGym Games (nee Olympics) are back with head honcho Tom Benson applying his magic and announcing the virtual games in true style. All the details in this amazing video and on the super new website!
The other important news this week is that it's Mental Health Awareness Week - as we get through the pandemic together looking after your mental health is particularly important. Exercise is one way to improve how you feel and get those endorphins flowing. Here's a recent article from GoodGym on how some members are doing during lockdown. You can also find previous articles and information here, here, and here. Another great resource is the Mind website.
Take care everyone, look after yourselves and take the time to look after others too if you can.
Mon 4th May 2020 at 7:00pm
Brent Report written by Pritesh Mistry
Eleven brilliant Brent folk joined me online!
Another week, another session. After a general chat and catch-up on various things GoodGym we got down to our session. This time I was back in the driving seat with an apartment-friendly HIIT session we did five exercises - 40 seconds on, 20 off and three rounds!
Due to some terrible timing on my part we were counting down the end of the zoom meeting as we started our final exercise but it was a hell of a workout and a fun session all around.
Look forward to another Brent online session next Monday!
Mon 27th Apr 2020 at 7:00pm
Brent Report written by Pritesh Mistry
Twelve GG Brent folk joined online to catch-up and get taken through a wonderful yoga session from Claire T.
Quiet on the news front this week but we mentioned the missions that are starting to appear in Brent so do get yourself doc checked and keep an eye on the missions page.