Likes outdoors and beaches works on conservation on Poole heathlands and Brownsea.
13 Month Streak
Monday 17th February
Keith Baker done 100 good deeds with GoodGym.
Keith has just reached another level: 100 good deeds with GoodGym. That's at least 100 times when they could have easily done something easier. But they didn't, Keith has kept going and going. Helping a lot of other people and getting a bit fitter at the same time. Congratulations Keith.
Mon 17th Feb at 6:30pm
Bournemouth Report written by Janet Beauchamp
6 Goodgymers (met at the charity and were welcomes by Poppy. She took us onto the roof where the large panels for the podcast booth were being stored beneath a tarpaulin. We set to work carrying then between 3 or 4 of us as they were very heavy. Getting them through the door and into the storage area was tricky but with everyone chipping in, we managed it. A great task for Keith to earn his 100 tshirt on! Fantastic achievement Keith!
Mon 10th Feb at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner
Fourteen, yes, you are reading this right, fourteen Goodgymmers turned up at Abbeyfield for another, obviously very popular, quiz night. The 7 Abbeyfield residents that joined us were thus slightly outnumbered. But whether two to one or not: fun was had by all…. that stayed awake! Valentine’s dingbats were followed by a round of geography, a round of general knowledge and a music round. And if you didn’t know this before, you now know that agapornis is a love bird, a very important fact if you’re the twitching kind. And a bit of knowledge of French isn’t amiss either when baiser and galettes make an appearance. And musical talent in abundance judging by the crooning along to Frank Sinatra, Dusty, Elvis, and “who’s that?”… Another successful quiz night, much appreciated by the Abbeyfield residents.
Thu 30th Jan at 4:00pm
Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner
Two Goodgymmers, Keith and Lea, turned up to move some furniture from one address to another. We turned up in the road announced on the task but.. no number. Long road, with many doors, but which was the right one?! Caprice to the rescue: from her work, she managed to give us the required details. Right, found the right door, rung the bell, yes, right address, but no van! A lady in a tiny car parked right in front of us with a big bag of cat litter in her car. So Keith made up his own Goodgym task: carrying the bag to her door down the road. She even agreed to have her picture taken. Oh good, the van turned up, bookcase duly removed round the bend from the premises into the van. Then on the bikes to the next address, yikes, Mr Google maps sending us in the wrong direction, but we got there on time. Bookcase out of the van and then round several bends, up the stairs with a bend to the left, turn left again, no… to the right. BTW wounded soldier in the process, as the bookcase was nearly falling apart. Phew, task done!
Mon 13th Jan at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner
Daryl, Caprice, Eleanor, Janet, Chloe (plus 1 in a huge tum), Keith and Lea turned up at the old people’s home. I think, Lea was casing out the joint for when she needs it in a few years time… the rest was raring to go. We were in the lounge as there were five residents, so the group was fairly small. Caprice, our quizmaster, provided us with a sheet with drawings representing sayings. Out of the blue came a white elephant as top banana trying to turn back time, at the same time as the cash cow put all the eggs in one basket and its money where its mouth was, with the bad apple ringing the bell in the limelight while sitting on the fence and letting the cat out of the bag, and the hot potato moving like lightning while jumping out of the page onto the numberplate, I think! 🤣 Then on to even more serious business: geography, nature, and 2 rounds of general knowledge. Right, would you have known what to give the person in a French office, who is asking for a “trombone”?!?! Yes, of course, a paperclip 🤔🙃🤗!!! Anyway, the top team being Eleanor, Janet and two ladies. And the second and third team didn’t do too badly either. What a fount of knowledge Goodgymmers are!