Wednesday 6th April 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
Wet. Wetter. Wettest.
Last night a very tough team braved some extreme rain to help out at a local school and got so wet we might as well have renamed it GoodSwim.
We started out in the relative dry, doing our warm up and challenging ourselves to name various countries, before heading off for Berrymeade school.
It had been a while since we had visited this task, so we were excited to see the outside area with its lovely mural, pond and pergola in the light. We were met by Romina and Mike who had carefully prepared us lots of jobs and we got stuck in, impervious to the downpour which was about to hit.
While Ben and Leanne got cracking with an epic composting task, Luis, Michelle and Emily started weeding, Sevan was on leaf and bag duty, while Remy, Beth and I attempted to erect an arch. It was then that the heavens opened, and we began to get wet. Really, really wet. After several attempts and digging a trench into which to insert the arch into, all the while batting the elements, we eventually gave up and joined the others sheltering like penguins under the pergola (or was it a gazebo? Who knows?) The result? As Remy put it, we not only succeeded in destroying some flowers and digging up some mud, but we also actually created a hazard. Ah well, can't win them all. Thankfully the others had been more successful, especially the dream team of Ben and Leanne who managed to empty the whole compost bed - check out those glorious pics!
Foregoing the fitness for obvious reasons, we squelched our way back to base. Next week I'm away so instead of a group run it'll be a community mission, and you can sign up for that here. We also have a great community mission led by Michelle this weekend, if you can join her making a big difference at a community allotment please sign up here. Happy running, one and all!
Thu 7th Apr 2022 at 6:22pm
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Thu 7th Apr 2022 at 6:22pm
Fantastic commitment heading out in that weather everyone, well done!
Thu 7th Apr 2022 at 7:05pm
Thanks Yianny, there's a point where you just can't get any more soaked! Looks like you had the same, so well done you guys!
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