Anastasia Hancock


Area Activator for Wandsworth and Hounslow. All things running. For fitness, fun, racing and to feel good - and for everybody!


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Verified member
Area activator
Doing good since July 2015

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58 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

99 Month Streak

January Challenge 2025 achieved
January Challenge 2025
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Mission Impossible
Super Saturday
Yule Log
Community Cape
Starter's pistol
Ethan Hunt
Coach Runner
Coach Intro
Coach Verified
Badger Badge
Black T-Shirt
On a roll
Finding your feet
Easy 10
Mission Possible
Mission accomplished
Hat Doffer
High 5
GoodGym Runner


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Anastasia Hancock's next session


Deliver letters for Sparkle intergenerational charity
🗓Monday 24th February 6:30pm

📍Battersea Arts Centre SW11 5TN

Second part of the job we started the week before!

Jason KurtisJoannaKateHelen Tarrantgrainne mccarthy
7 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) went on a group run

Wed 19th Feb at 6:30pm

Leaf and let live

Hounslow Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

It was the second week of our task supporting Abundance London getting rid of all those never ending leaves that were clogging up the beds on Chiswick High Rd and stopping oxygen getting to the bulbs which had been carefully planted by the charity earlier on in the year. With some massive plane trees right above them, we had filled no fewer than 14 bags last week but there was still masses to do!

Happily there was even more positivity in the air than usual on a Wednesday, thanks to some lovely returning faces! So, after meeting Rosemary from Abundance we pulled on our gloves and got to work filling Hounslow council sacks.

As bag after bag was quickly stuffed with dry and rotting leaves and the carefully planted bulbs were freed, we chatted about all things running. There are some brilliant races coming up - good luck with trainign everybody who is taking on the challenge. If you have any specific requests for our fitness sessions (which Lucy guarantees are going to be definitely, conclusively, regularly happening as soon as the weather picks up) then don't hesitate to let me know and I'll plan some suitable ones.

After 45 minutes hard work we posed for a group photo with some unusually good lighting thanks to the electrics shop behind us, and took a steady run back to base for stretches. Next week we're back to Strand on the Green school to help out with various jobs - hope to see you there!

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StephDucatHarvey GallagherChalomi KingMichelleEmily Oldfield
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Feb at 6:50pm

Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) went on a group run

Tue 18th Feb at 7:00pm

Strand and deliver

Westminster Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

It was another chilly night in Westminster, which made it even more clear that our regular task helping distribute clothes and bedding on the Strand makes a big impact.

Thankfully we had plenty of hands on deck, and it was brilliant to be able to welcome Andy and Louise to their first ever session great to have you both join us!

It's a popular spot for getting resources like hot food and other donations to those that need it most, so it was pretty hectic! We didn't have to wait long for Andrea to arrive with her van, and soon got to work.

With Khai jumping into the van to help get the boxes out in some sort of order, the rest of us hauled the clothes and bedding across the street to hang them out in a makeshift fashion display! We soon had jackets, trousers, sleeping bags and shoes out for people to choose what they needed most.

The time flew by, and before long most of the donations had been handed out. Great work everybody!

Next week we'll be meeting at Victoria to pick up and transport surplus food to rough sleepers - hope to see you there!

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MOHAMED NAOUMMark GilyeadStephDucat
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) went on a group run

Mon 17th Feb at 6:30pm

Pushing the envelope? We totally mailed it!

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

We've gardened in freezing rain, scraped graffiti in sub zero temps, even pulled weeds with the threat of snow - and finally, the evening came. An indoor task! Perfect timing as well, as it was pretty nippy out there last night.

Our job for the evening was to address and stuff envelopes for a charity called Sparkle which runs an intergenerational centre. It brings together elderly people who might be facing loneliness with young ones who can benefit from their experience. A brilliant idea! They just need some help spreading the word about their amazing offering.

So we met at St Michael's church, where some of the activities including gentle exercise, arts and singing are held. It may have been a toasty inside task, but it was no less of a challenge as we found we had no fewer than 1700 envelopes to fill!

Wasting no time we formed an efficient production line, some of us writing, some stuffing and some sealing. While we worked the conversation was certainly wide ranging, from the merits of singing butlers to the best parkrun breakfasts, the joy of sleeper trains and what exactly is meant by 'vibe merchants'.

No wonder then that some of us may have got a little distracted and 'Dear Neighbour' became 'Dear Envelope'! Mentioning no names but a certain glossy beard might be a good disguise?

After a good solid session working away, we had a final count and managed a grand total of over 1000 envelopes - amazing! Next week we'll take on the job of delivering them - hope to see as many of you as possible there to get the word out far and wide!

We had got so used to the comfy warm room that our planned session on agility and balance morphed into a cosy strength and conditioning session. But that didn't mean that there was less, ahem, vocal feedback. Still, hopefully Pritesh didn't pull every single muscle in his body and Steph's hip flexors survived the journey home!

Great work everybody. Join us next week for the second part of the task or check out this week's community missions.

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Emily Oldfield
MichelleHarvey GallagherAnastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) went on a mission

Fri 14th Feb at 3:00pm

Emily Oldfield
Harvey GallagherMichael Welsh
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 17th Mar at 6:30pm

Painting the treatment rooms at Wandsworth Bereavement Services week 2!

Support this free counseling service for Wandsworth residents

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Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 10th Mar at 6:30pm

Painting the treatment rooms at Wandsworth Bereavement Services

Support this free counseling service for Wandsworth residents

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Emily OldfieldTav
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 24th Feb at 6:30pm

Deliver letters for Sparkle intergenerational charity

Second part of the job we started the week before!

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Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Wed 19th Feb at 6:30pm

Wednesday run, task and fitness!

Clearing leaves with Abundance London

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Emily OldfieldAnastasia HancockStephDucat
Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock (she/her) went on a group run

Wed 12th Feb at 6:30pm

Turning over a new leaf

Hounslow Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Last night’s GoodGym session was packed with action, good chats, and a sprinkle of drama. Our job for the evening was to team up with Abundance London for a big tidy up, focusing on clearing piles of fallen leaves out of the beds on a busy road in Chiswick.

Rosemary from Abundance London arrived with council bags and tools, and we got down to business clearing the leaves and litter. The leaves were hiding the newly planted bulbs, and we needed to make sure they had space to breathe and grow. As we worked there was plenty of chat about snacks, upcoming training programs, and of course, the imminent footie match.

Meanwhile, Jonny had an adventure of his own. While we were picking up leaves and chatting away, Jonny found himself in a bit of a sticky situation and needed to be sprung from lock-up in Chiswick House Gardens. We’re hoping he made it out in time—did he escape before the match kicked off?

After minutes we had cleared an extraordinary amount of leaves, collecting no fewer than 15 bags' worth! Hopefully now those bulbs can breathe - look out for the splashes of colour as you pass in the coming weeks

Don’t forget about this Saturday’s mission at Chiswick Eyot where you'll have a chance to get down and dirty by the river.

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SevanHarvey GallagherMichelleAlan ArmstrongStephDucat
