Saturday 8th March
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Julie
It was a beautiful sunny morning today at the Forest School Allotment. Helen, Amy, Rachel and Julie started off by moving the compost from the old raised bed which was in a shady corner into the new beds in the sunnier side. It was heavy work but with a few of us we worked quickly, so there was time to help Alex with some heavy lifting jobs that needed doing. We moved some bags of compost and some heavy plant pots into their new homes. It was great to see the results of some of our earlier efforts, with some plants we’d saved from the old beds and pots coming into flower. Kate and Rob brought their new arrival to say hello, and we all enjoyed spending some time with the animals (goats, rabbits and best of all CHICKENS). A great task today and a big welcome to Amy on her first Goodgym mission.
A demonstration garden to help Primary aged children and children with additional needs to understand the food cycle.
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Bridge the gap between food waste and food insecurity