Saturday 12th February 2022
Report written by Sarah W
"You can't start a fire,
You can't start a fire without a spark..."
The spark in this case was GoodGymer Graham who was making his debut as Run Director at Bexley parkrun in Danson Park. Graham had put out a call for support from fellow GG-ers and Sarah, Johnny, Susan, Ben and Tim all signed up to help, joining the amazing regular volunteers who are there every Saturday, come rain or shine.
Graham was calm and collected as he organised the volunteers into their roles, gave the main briefing to nearly 300 parkrunners, and oversaw the smooth running of the event.
Sarah W give the first timers briefing then joined Susan and Johnny as barcode scanners. Ben was a timekeeper and Tim took photos around the course.
Goodgymers Sarah L and Martin participated as parkrunners, with Sarah L also taking some photos and Martin later telling us it was his 300th parkrun. Go Martin!
Bravo Graham, you did a great job and we were proud to be there as part of your hi-vis team.
Sun 20th Mar 2022 at 9:56pm
great pun !
Making the room look nicer for people using the centre