Monday 21st February 2022
Report written by Kim
First up we celebrated Vic's 250th good deed, she's always running and cycling from group runs to community missions to parkrun volunteering. Give her a cheer!
The end of the pile
Everyone at tonight's group run had visited the embankment before so we had the shorter safety briefing and more time shoveling the last of the soil! We had a couple of areas of exposed cardboard to cover, we split into teams to get the job done:
As an extra task we began moving leaves from around the edge to cover as much of the area as possible with wildflower seed.
The 20 tonnes of soil reduced to a thin layer and it was job done for us, we gathered in a group whilst the soil had one last rake. It's been a lot of hard work, a lot of soil to move and it couldn't have been achieved without you all - well done!! We will revisit in summer to see the results of our hard work.
Do good in our wonderful borough