Hedges here we go again

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Theodhor Shkembi
Petra Stockelmayerova
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Kingston upon Thames

Sunday 8th September 2024

Petra Stockelmayerova
Petra Stockelmayerova


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Report written by Petra Stockelmayerova

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Theodore and Petra met Brian at Hogsmill to attend to the ever growing hedges along the perimeter of the garden. Hedge cutters on borrowed battery time, shears that have seen better days but GG grit and enthusiasm is not to be defeated. Brian told us all about their open day on Saturday which went well and I am happy that we play small but regular part in keeping this piece of Kingston gem going. See you in October.

This task supported
Hogsmill Community Garden
Environmental conservation organisation

Our community garden project, providing fresh produce and a sense of community to our residents.

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Kingston upon Thames

Various jobs in Jubilee Square
🗓Saturday 10:00am

Keep this community space looking good

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