Tuesday 27th March 2018
Report written by Katie Welford
'Twas the first run of the year where Lambeth enjoyed the first half of the session in daylight. Hooray! And what a lovely time we had. As the last Tuesday of the month, we had a very special Shit Prize of the Month (SPOTM) to give out. This month the grand winner was David who has got totally stuck in to Lambeth runs and also getting DBS checked within a month of starting. NICE ONE DAVID! He was the lucky winner of a pink t-shirt with a frankly terrifying screen print of Katie's mug on it...a spare bit of garb from her hen do last year. Little does David know that there's a giant stuffed toy dog next to a swimming pool in Ibiza wearing exactly the same design. Maybe one day they shall meet? WHO KNOWS.
And with that we were off for a nice warm up and short run to Myatt's Field. We help the management team keep this lovely park looking good for local residents to enjoy. This week, a small team went off to do some weeding by the greenhouses, whilst the rest took up hoes and rakes and went to clear weeds away from the base of some trees. Once a nice clear circle was created, mulch was spread over the soil. Everyone was busy weeding and digging and clearing up after themselves. It was great.
This is great! Said Taye the head gardener
Once finished, Katie got everyone to do a fairly killer fitness session involving running plus all kinds of strength exercises for the whole body. NICE. Then it was back to base for some stretches and a well earned Easter break.
Myatt’s Fields Park is run by a charity called Myatt’s Fields Park Project (MFPP) in partnership with Lambeth Council. Their mission is to grow a green and healthy neighbourhood by providing a beautiful environment, along with events, food, wellbeing, education and enterprise projects that meet the needs of the diverse area. They see the park as a true community hub, welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds.
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