It Snow Problem for GoodGym

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
Debs Sharpe
David Barrett
Cara Organ
Laura Barrett
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Sunday 5th January

Laura Barrett
Laura Barrett




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Report written by Laura Barrett

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You definitely know it's January when the bad weather increases numbers on a task due to other commitments being cancelled! As it was a bit snowy to do any gardening most of the group got to work clearing the paths. Leanne and David found some grit and gritted the steps of the pedestrian bridge before bringing some back to the garden where we gritted the cleared paths to stop them icing over. In the meantime Claire ad Alastair had brought a long tool to attempt to rescue some of the 3 half lids that had gone over the wall. They heroically climbed into the compost and rescued all 3 lids before reattaching them and putting them back on the bins. Finally we all enjoyed some brownies that David had brought. Debs continued after the task to do a further good deed by gritting the rest of the foot bridge to the cinder track and steps down the other side!

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Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going