Monday 9th July 2018
Report written by Lucy J
29 runners ran 4km to finish decorating at the Grub Club in Caius House
Wandsworth News
The GoodGym social is on tour this month in Wandsworth! 18.30 onwards at the Plough. Don't miss international pun of the month, GoodGym heroes and a mystery guest speaker. Sign up here.
You can follow the grub club on Twitter and Instagram @grubclub_edu
A big old welcome to Rochella and James who joined us for the first time last night. Give them a cheer!
That's enough of the business
With Ana away, I hopped, skipped and jumped over from Southwark for an evening of painting galore. Briefed and warmed up we split into two groups - one 'in a hurry' and one 'at a more relaxed pace'. Chi took the former and I took the latter and off we went, being careful to avoid the mayhem of Clapham Junction on our way.
The Grub Club runs free after-school cooking courses for both parents and children who wish to improve their cooking skills, confidence and knowledge. It's within Caius House, a Youth Centre that provides incredible opportunities and facilities for young people in the community. They're most popular facility is the recording studio - the area is bursting with talent and Caius House release an album every year.
Chi's group arrived before us and were already hard at work painting a section of wall green when we arrived. Aisling from Grub Club greeted us and gave a solid briefing. We split into four groups painting different things:
Walls (and ceilings!)
30 minutes multiplied by 29 is 14.5 hours!
As a group we got the equivalent of 14.5 hours' work done. It's a GoodGym miracle. I counted 7 chairs, 3 benches, two pillars and most of the walls done. Phew! Excellent work team. We cleaned up, thanked Aisling and Emma for having us and headed off to Shillington Park on the way home where Chi put us through our paces: scissor kicks, sit ups, squats, burpees and more. It was tough but our cores will thank us.
Then we were off for the short run home - including a strava segment on the hill that everyone had a good crack at.
A lovely evening for a bit of tourism, thanks for having me Wandsworth!
Keep running happy, Lucy
Second part of the job we started the week before!