Little Chop of Horrors

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Melanie Young
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Saturday 1st March

Bristol runner


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Report written by Bristol runner

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Those brambles are horrors!

Hi everyone reading this. I'll keep this brief as its lovely and sunny outisde today. Almost feels like spring!

Todays task was three-fold. The first was continuing the chopping up on the slope we started last time. Once again we were supervised by the fox who by now we count as a part of the group (just needs the tshirt). The second task was to give the Moon Temple a haircut to prevent nefarious activity. Lastly a clear of the undergrowth overhanging the pavement. Phew.

What a lovely morning to be outside. The customary tea, biscuit and chat at the end and we said adieu.

Until next time...

This task supported
Royate Hill
Two disused railway embankments linked by a brick viaduct to make a city centre nature reserve

The railway embankment creates a varied local topography with long and short, steep and gentle slopes. The habitats on the site range from limestone flora on the embankment top, to flower rich grassland, developing woodland and scrub on the embankment sides. Species such as ox-eyed daisy, mouse eared chickweed and bee orchid have been recorded at the site. Hedgerows, a stream and an old orchard are also present within the reserve boundary. The embankments were constructed in the early 1870's to form part of the Clifton Extension Railway. They span 450 metres in a shallow curve from Edward Street in the north west, to Clay Bottom to the east, crossing Royate Hill and the Coombe Brook at their centre. The site was compulsorily purchased by the former Avon County Council in 1996, following a five-year high profile campaign by local people to save it from development.

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Melanie Young
Melanie Young (she/her)

Sat 1st Mar at 7:59pm

Top punnage!

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Community Orchard Tree planting session
🗓Today 2:00pm

This is part of our kitchen garden community growing project.

Jason ThorneJankaArronJordan James Cogzell
4 GoodGymers are going - 1 space left! 👀