Friday 17th February 2023
Report written by York runner
Six of us met Peter from York Greenways on a blustery but mild and sunny Friday afternoon. We set to work reclaiming the cycle path from overgrown vegetation using loppers and shovels to scrape off debris to widen the path.
Peter (armed with hedge trimmers) asked me to follow him "just around the corner" to a side path where he wanted to continue trimming back a very thorny hedge. My job was to collect the very spiky cuttings and try to make a habitat pile if possible. This was ok at the start of the path but as we continued along the path (getting very much further and further away from the others) it proved very tricky to hide the large and spiky branches into the hedge and make sure the cycle path was properly swept to avoid tyre punctures.
Seeing that Peter had created several more piles of spiky cuttings I called for backup and soon Rich and Nikki joined me. With their help we got the last bits tidied off the path and Rich managed some more edge scraping with his spade on the way back to the others.
After a last quick sweep it was time for a group photo in the sunshine before going our separate ways. I'm sure we'll see Peter again soon on another task.