Friday 11th September 2020
Report written by Laura Williams
There were plenty of wonderful helping GoodGym hands available tonight to spread out over the lovely Parkview Estate to help the Residents Association plant some trees, dig holes, plant seedlings, weed, and prune roses.
We were greeted by Cathering and little Liam who wasted no time in dispatching us to five wonderful corners of the estate to carry out these environment-enhancing jobs. Catherine is working hard to offer her estate food growing options, bee friendly plants, and gardening SOS's for the elderly residents unable to tackle weed-infested borders.
So the team busied themselves for over an hour helping one another out the minute they finished one task, to enable us all to finish on time.
No sooner had we laid down the last trowel and made our way to beautiful Bonner Gate in Victoria Park was my phone pinging with a message from Catherine to say, "You are all magnificently brilliant. Thank you so SO much." Who am I to disagree.
Once in Victoria Park, we lined the pavements, out of the way of cyclists and pedestrians keen to reach the next stage of their evening, and giving one another bundles of space, where we proceeded to workout for a full half hour covering cardio, balance and strength work and then...YOGA! Yep, enter Kat, our brilliant yoga teacher for the night, who'd come to join the task, but so generously taught a wonderful, flowing flexibility segment. THANK YOU KAT! First GoodGym run and you teach us yoga!!
And we finished with some dedicated breathing exercises to fully land for the weekend.
Amazing! What a team.
To Becs, Becky and Leo who helped plan and lead our activity tonight.
And hello, thanks and welcome to our fabulous first time GoodGymers, Katriye, Paula, Charlotte, Rachael, Martha, Rachel, Hugh, Georgina and Gaga. Hope to see you again very soon.
Have a brilliant weekend everyone!
Tower Hamlets
A great start to your weekend!