Monday 13th January
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Nick Moore
Upon arriving at Ms P's she asked us which wardrobe we thought we would be helping with this evening...we outlined the task description as provided to us in the hope this would make things all a bit clearer...
Ms P initially showed us into one room where a very (very) large glass sliding door wardrobe was standing against one wall - she explained she would need that moved at some point, but that perhaps tonight's mission should focus on another 3 door wardrobe in another bedroom - this one seemed a bit more manageable, and upon being asked how long we thought we'd need to take it apart into its constituent parts, we guesstimated an hour...
With multiple tools in hand, Anne and I got to work to deconstruct the unit piece by piece - as with all the best jobs we started with the doors (which fortunately didn't need blowing off...) - and then turned our attention to how best to take the carcass apart without it all collapsing on top of us.
A good while later we were down to the shell of the unit, which now with the top removed, wasn't proving to be the most stable. Anne got a decent shoulder workout holding up all the vertical pieces as we 'd then worked out the only way to remove the remaining screws holding these pieces in place was by tipping the unit over at an angle...and with that it finally all came apart in our hands.
We neatly stacked all the pieces against one wall, left the screws, nails and fasteners in a small jar, and did a quick tidy up of the room as best we could and at just after 8pm we went downstairs to update Ms P - amazingly our timing had been just about spot on!
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens