Sunday 23rd April 2023
Report written by Cathy Aicardi
Delightful to see a newbie in the group return for a second time and others new to the building ETNA who all got a first hand look and good impression of this very active and welcoming community hub. We gathered in the dining and kitchen space where the flyers we were about to deliver in the area promoted their two day a week (Monday and Friday 3:30pm-5:30pm ) offering for people of all ages to come and hang out with free light refreshments too. It wasn't long before the place started buzzing with parents and children activity.
We had our own light refreshment of drizzle fall on us as we made our way through the residential streets of St. Margarets and turned around before getting out of range, excited by the many duplex residences especially when both doors were welcoming to flyers! Now if we can only find out how not to chafe our hands on those hard to slide through flaps, we'd be twickled pink (or less pink as the case may be).
Always a pleasure to help out the East Twickeham Neighbourhood Assocation or ETNA as we know it and hope they get a lot of people in the surroundings to come check out and use their space and be welcomed by some friendly volunteers.
A vibrant and welcoming community centre in a wonderful Victorian building in the heart of TW1, the ETNA centre has something for everyone! Our wide range of facilities offers a huge selection of classes and activities, from fitness and exercise to workshops, music and kids’ groups. We also offer self help groups, mindfulness and meditation sessions as well as space for one to one counselling sessions.
See moreTue 25th Apr 2023 at 9:08am
Lovely report Cathy, it was a good start to the morning!
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