Wilde About our Doors-es in Grey

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
Paul Young
Vicky Hearson
Sophie Rudge
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Friday 7th June 2019

York runner


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Report written by York runner

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Four GG Yorkies met once again at the Poppleton Community Railway Nursery for another painting task. This time we were asked to paint the outside of their new accessible toilet building with a water-repellent paint.

Once we had donned our lovely Arkwright's coats (important to keep our GG t-shirts clean) we set to work with Paul (being our Team Tall) taking the high bits and myself and Sophie doing the lower parts round the back of the building. Vicky braved the stepladders to tackle the front. One wall had already been coated so we only had 2 and a bit sides to do and being the efficient GG-ers that we are we quickly got all the surfaces covered (and a bit of ourselves as well which might be handy with all the rain that is forecast!).

We moved on to glossing the woodwork with undercoat around the door frames and the doors themselves in a lovely shade of grey. The wind didn't help us by blowing the doors around while we were painting them but we managed not to get too much paint on ourselves although Vicky had some new grey beauty spots by the time we had finished.

We didn't quite manage to get all the woodwork covered in undercoat so I'm sure we will be back again to finish the job soon and give it another coat.

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Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going