
Group run

GoodGym runners soiled themselves 🌲🌱🌸

10 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Samye Mindfulness and Well being Centre in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Benjamin Annear
  • Cardiff runner
  • Lowri Davies
  • Tom Power
  • Lorena Axinte
  • Pablo
  • Maya Broadbank
  • Rosie
  • Rachel
Tuesday, 29th of May 2018
Led by Benjamin Annear

*This evening 10 awesome runners showed up eager to run to help out the Samye Foundation. *

Our route to the Samye was quite adventurous! We all felt like Lord of the Rings characters. We went around Cardiff castle doing some interval work and then played follow the leader which involved running in some odd and obscure directions. Then we played a new game which we haven't played before at GoodGym Cardiff called.Guess the movie and avoid the sprint - You might be wondering how this game works, well, it's quite simple, if you guess the film the quote comes from then you don't have to sprint whilst everyone else does.... Some of the quotes were... "I carried a watermelon", "I will see you again, but not yet, not yet". Click the quotes to get the answers!

After some fun and games we continued our run, and then in the distance we spotted an outdoor adventure playground - YIPEE everyone shouted... Lowri and Tom both jumped in the air with excitement too, and without hesitation we all lined up and took on the outdoor assault course challenge. It was actually pretty damn hard... I don't think anyone managed it without falling off.

Welcome to Samye again GoodGym!

Lorraine greeted us with the warmest of smiles. It has been a while since we ran to Samye and we were all looking forward to it. And, after drinking some much needed fluid, Lorraine explained to us our task for the evening and we all got stuck straight in.

  • Team Flowerbed - Lowri, Maya, Rosie, Pablo and Lorena emptied soil into the flower beds, then constructed a fence within it and planted small shrubs and plants.
  • The metal arch constructors - Tom and Mikey (or Paul and Barry Chuckle) built and positioned the metal arch frame.
  • Hole diggers - Lucy and Rachel dug a really deep hole and then planted a wisteria tree.

Riddle for the run

Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday ?

Click here for the answer

The transformation was incredible - Just look at the photos! Well done everyone :) Lorraine was so pleased by how much we were able to do. She also really kindly ordered us pizza as a snack as a way of saying thank you. It was so delicious too!

Time to run home!

With our stomach full of pizza it was time to run off.

  • A MASSIVE thank you to Maya who is now going home for the summer and will then be working abroad for a year conducting important research which hopes to preserve animal species - Maya you will be greatly missed and it has been a real pleasure running with you since you joined GoodGym last year. Best of luck with your studies and whenever you get the opportunity to come back, please do!

Report written by Benjamin Annear

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Sunday June 3rd, 2018 18:17

Chuckle brothers! Love the report and the photos

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Benjamin Annear
Led by Benjamin Annear

Hello, i'm Ben! I'm the trainer of GoodGym Cardiff! Please get in touch with any questions and click support to follow updates.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Rosie

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