
Group run

Painting and sanding using our common fence

24 GoodGymers made their way 3.8km to help the Grinling Gibbons Primary School in Greenwich.

  • Alex Murtough
  • Sarah Place
  • Ben Cooper
  • Katrin
  • Vic
  • Andy Waterhouse
  • Greenwich runner
  • Lee
  • Sarah Hornsey
  • Nick
  • Bliss
  • Sara Brimble
  • Greenwich runner
  • Claire Oxlade
  • Matthew Tipler
  • Elizabeth Harrison
  • Natalie Tremlett
  • Elle Smith
  • Greenwich runner
  • Victoria Prouse
  • Minh
  • JC
  • Jennifer Hien
  • Aaron
Wednesday, 7th of August 2019
Led by Sarah Place

24 awesome runners ran 4km to paint the fence at Grinling Gibbons School

We were joined by new runner Aaron last night, who got the warmest of welcomes from JC who took off his shirt as soon as he saw him... but of course this is GoodGym so nothing dodgy was taking place, they were just comparing tattoos, as you do.

Before we set off, we went round the group to find out what events we all had coming up. Lots of people doing the Oxford Half which I'm sure will be an awesome race and made even better with many familiar faces in red T shirts running around the course. I hope training is going well for all of your various goals and remember I'm always here if you need a hand with anything!

After a little warm up we headed out of the uni along the main road to ensure we got to the school as soon as possible. I wasn't joking when I said the fence was big was I! It catches me by surprise every time! Natalie had organised everything for our arrival. For those who don't know, Natalie is a teacher at the school. Bet she loved going back in while she's on school holidays! Sorry Natalie but we all really appreciate your help! :)

There was a small amount of sanding still to do plus the painting of course. Without much hesitation, everyone got stuck in.

The gate was open this time so we could paint the back of the railings and actually see what we were doing this time round so that was handy! As instructed before we left for the task, speed would prioritise over accuracy with regards to the painting and lo and behold we managed to get LOADS of it done. NICE JOB!!

There is probably still about three quarters left to do, it's certainly the task that keeps on giving! After 40 minutes or so, it was time to head back. No time for a fitness session this week sadly (which seems to be a recurring theme and for that I do apologise, clearly my timekeeping skills have got a bit too relaxed lately haha) but we took the more scenic route along the river instead, LOVELY!

A few stretches and we called it a night!

Next week we are back at Charlton House, snipping down cable ties from old posters and clearing a path for wheelchair/buggy access. Join us for a slightly longer run than usual!

Social Stuff

Here is the link to the GoodGym monthly social taking place this evening. As always Greenwich is in the bad books for never having anyone turn up... woops! But in all seriousness it's a lovely opportunity to meet some likeminded GoodGymmers from all over the capital so if you're in the area make sure you pop in and restore our image!

We also have our Greenwich social coming up in a few weeks! We haven't had one since spring so it's well overdue. Sign up for the run here and if you know anywhere in Greenwich that you think might be suitable for a few dozen sweaty beings to have some food and drinks then give me a shout!

Great work last night everyone! We really made a good dent in the fence, hope you're all looking forward to future visits! Have a lovely rest of the week!

Report written by Sarah Place

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Sarah Place
Led by Sarah Place

Trainer for GoodGym Greenwich. I love running - any surface, any distance!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Katrin

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GROUP RUN - Weeding at St Richard's Centre!

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Rachel Henry
Old Royal Naval College, Pepys Building

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