
Group run

Pottering about!

9 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help their local community in Westminster.

  • Joel Wiles
  • Rhys Thomas Fowler
  • Giovanna
  • Sam Lefevre
  • Stefan
  • Shauna
  • Joanne Ng
  • Katy Davidson
  • Marti Llorqui
Wednesday, 12th of February 2020
Led by Joel Wiles

9 full of running GooGymers shifted 7k to the Ebury Estate to save as May of the potted plants as possible from the demolition!!

Great to have you all along for our Wednesday night workout! Getting settled into our new digs at Marshall Street Leisure Centre.

After the pre warmup of poolside we were off finding a new route down to the Ebury Estate to help Homeless Britain! Maybe a slightly too scenic a route meant we got plenty of distance in on the way there but did avoid most of the busy foot traffic!

4k in the bank and we had arrived at the Ebury estate. With charity leader Mike in hospital we had instructions of what to do. With another block due for demolition in the next 2 weeks as part of the development work of the estate we had been tasked to save as many of the potted plants as possible by moving them from one garden to another before the block is raised to the ground and the garden flattened.

30 minutes of potted plant carrying action with a couple of spills and some ingenious carrying techniques we had moved nearly 100 pots across and safe to grow away from the building works!

With the task complete we tried a well trusted and surprisingly shorted route back to base to round off a top evening!

Next week we are off to little Venice so plenty of distance to be covered there!

See you there


Report written by Joel Wiles

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Help a homeless charity hand out food and donations

Tuesday 18:50 - 19:50
Led by Anastasia Hancock

The Crypt

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