
Group run

spray Painting the town Red

10 GoodGymers made their way 4.9km to help their local community in Westminster.

  • Joel Wiles
  • Mathilde
  • Beth Nelson
  • Rhys Thomas Fowler
  • Tom Keeling
  • Wandsworth runner
  • James Ananthakumar
  • Pete White
  • Hannah Skinner
  • Dena
Wednesday, 23rd of January 2019
Led by Joel Wiles

10 tough GoodGymers braved the sub zero temperatures to spread their creative wings with s Spray paining task with St Abdrews Yourh club and a gym clean.

Great session guys!! Really great to have you along for the group run! A bit different that our normal physical Wednesday task we go super creative!

A chance to learn and spray paint with the amazing young people of St Andrews youth club which is still going strong after 153 years of providing a safe, fun and friendly place for Westminster’s young people.

Grabbing a canvas are stencilling, free painting watch and learning from all the St Andrews members, be shout out to Sven who helped us not get in too much of a mess showing us the spray painting ropes.

Some brilliant designs produced with some awesome skylines and GG logo’s which we got to keep and added a little to the run back wind resistance!

With just enough time to give the very well used gym a little clean so it is fresh for the members to increase their fitness.

Rounding us up nicely to 5k for the evening we bounded back to base keeping the pace strong to keep warm!

Thanks for coming along and hope to see you for the Starter session on Saturday Lunch time in Little Venice and next Wednesday for our Homeless donation run around town.

Have a great week

Smooth Running


Report written by Joel Wiles

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Help a homeless charity hand out food and donations

Tuesday 18:50 - 19:50
Led by Anastasia Hancock

The Crypt

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