
Group run

We picked a lock of litter

20 GoodGymers made their way 6.3km to help the Canal & River Trust Ealing in Ealing.

  • Justin Wetters
  • Liv Parker-Scott
  • Alex Schatz
  • Stephanie Hall
  • Courtney
  • Jack
  • Mike C
  • Larissa
  • Adam Wakefield
  • Michelle Scott
  • Shan Rahulan
  • Chris
  • Manjit Birk
  • Tash
  • Charlotte Codrington
  • Lauriane
  • Tom Hostick
  • Bromley runner
  • Jade
  • Callum
Tuesday, 17th of July 2018
Led by Liv Parker-Scott

With Wimbledon and the World Cup over, last night saw us back in the game with 20 runners coming out to help with some clearing tasks down on the waterway with The Canal & River Trust

We had 2 brand new runners, Callum and Jade who both did a great job on thier first GoodGym outing. Jade had never run before so it was really impressive to join us on one of our longer commutes of nearly 4 miles in total!

We were also joined by new trainer Manjit who is starting GoodGym Slough on 30th July! You can sign up to the launch here or join them any Monday from then on, it’s just one train away from Ealing Broadway so us westerners can get there very easily for a bit of GoodGym tourism!

Lots of notable runs last night

  • Justin visited us all the way from GoodGym Newham and has now toured in 10 different areas
  • Larissa is half way to the black tee club and completed her 25th good deed
  • Lauriane went to double digits with good deed number 10
  • And finally I’m on number 69…

With lots of new faces we started with a group whip around to get to know everyone and this week’s question was ‘What’s your go to running shoe and where do you buy it?’. Marlene is on the hunt for some new kicks so we opened the floor to give her some ideas.

And with that we were off, a jog down to Walpole and along the top with some warm up drills before a lovely run in the warm evening sunshine, the glow as we came through our final stretch in Elthorne Park was beautiful! There we met Jack who was ready for us preped with a range of tools to smarten up the canal including our new super long litter pickers! We split into groups of snippers and pickers with a few of the group heading off to a known problem area down by the lock.

Everyone worked really hard in the short time we had clearning the towpath and approach to the water of overgrowth and litter, it’s such a shame that there’s so much everytime we go but I like that we can go down and make such a difference in a short space of time.

With that we headed back to base for a few stretches and a recap, remember we have a great free fitness session happening at Bodyline on Thursday and it’s open to all GoodGym members so don’t miss out and sign up now!

Report written by Liv Parker-Scott

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Wednesday July 18th, 2018 12:45

Great to see so many lovely peeps.

Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk
Wednesday July 18th, 2018 22:19

Great run and task.. thanks for making me feel so welcomed

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Liv Parker-Scott
Led by Liv Parker-Scott

I love running, walking & cycling for mental & physical wellbeing! Run Leader for GoodGym Ealing ❤️

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Mike C

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Create an IMPACTful Dressing Room 💥🎩👗

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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