Ashdown Crescent - Sheltered Housing

98 GoodGymers have supported Ashdown Crescent - Sheltered Housing with 9 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
CamdenGroup run
Alex MurtoughSteve MurtoughJohn Shirley

Camden + Summer + Evening Well Spent :)

Wednesday 14th August

Written by Alex Murtough (he/him)

Our friendly group did the miss-the-rain dance last night. The forecast showed me cartoon images of thick clouds and large droplets, and yet we met in the warmth and sun yesterday evening.

We were off to the special communal garden at Ashdown Sheltered Housing. Split across 3 levels, the space winds around the building in a wonderful array of green. And we were there to make things better for Ashdown's residents.

Jo was handed a single pair of snippers and a large overgrown hedge. I believe Jo twisted time. Or stepped through a vortex. Or something like that. Because the hedge exited those 45 minutes wonderfully curved and trimmed to the contours of the adjoining path.

Steve and John took to a large flower bed that's in a battle with stubborn summer weeds. Whilst sharing summer stories and catching up, these two returned the bed to flowers (and the evening's post-session rain will hopefully bring them to life).

Alison headed to the upper garden, which contained a corner of planters and pots that needed rescuing. In a matter of minutes, the corner resembled a carefully stacked collection of terracotta ready for new projects and plants. The dried up remnants were placed into green bags, and a sweep finished the job.

On leaving, we turned our group of red t shirts into a line of green bags, as we transferred everything to the refuse point for collection. Just in time... for the first drops of summer rain :)

Nice work, folks, you made a big difference!

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CamdenGroup run
GiuliaEmilieCaitlin RollisonAlex ThomasEmre SasmaciogluDan Dunn

We Got (Ash)Down to Business!

Wednesday 24th July

Written by Alex Murtough (he/him)

"Ashdown Crescent, you say?"

"That's right, Ashdown Crescent"

"Ashdown Crescent, neighbour to Queen's Crescent?"

"Oh yes that's the one, Ashdown Crescent right by Queen's Crescent"

"Mmmmm I think I have indeed passed that crescent, the Ashdown Crescent, the one by the Queen's Crescent!"

"Oh yes I should think you have! We all know Ashdown Crescent, the crescent next to the Queen's Crescent"

Which, fellow friends, has been the dialogue in my brain ever since 'Ashdown Crescent' entered my ears. Was this really a real place? Had my life finally become irreparably conjoined with Jane Austen's? Was I actually featuring in an episode of Downton Abbey?


Nine of us - nine of us without (unless appropriate evidence is forthcoming) regal connections - battled the evening's business to make our ways to this special sheltered housing complex just to the West of Kentish Town. Home to 35 local residents, Ashdown supports independent living and community in a hidden pocket of green just off the main thoroughfare.

Our wonderful group of Alex, Caitlin, Dan, Emilie, Emre, Giulia (on their first good deed - you're very welcome!), Sarah, and Steve mirrored a crack team of altruistic gardening experts. Having been warmly welcomed by Frezghi and Paul, this group needed little more than a blink to divide themselves into productivity.

Alex and Giulia got straight to pruning and weeding an overlooked section of walled garden - Caitlin, Dan, and Emre honed in on the middle bank of the garden, pulling weeds and re-composting - Emilie and Sarah started an evening-long battle with two compost drums in need of emptying and refreshing - and Steve got to work with the largest broom I have ever seen on a GoodGym task.

Over 45 minutes, this group made a material and visible difference, and I know the residents at Ashdown will be grateful! We'll certainly be back this summer to do even more :)

Thank you, all, for your work and energy - it was a joy to see you all!!

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CamdenCommunity mission
Ellie SimpsonRoseCaz SteerHanry Alexander Heatherwick-LammersCharley Adiseshiah

Not for the paint of heart!

Wednesday 28th October 2020

Written by Ben

5 GoodGymers ran up to Ashdown Crescent Sheltered Living on Wednesday night to help out repainting some of the centre's furniture.

Luckily the rain had stopped before we arrived, so we could paint in peace. It turns out it's better to paint from the bottom up and not the other way round - we know for next time!

A lovely night :)

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CamdenGroup run
Abigail WhiteBeth SawyerHanry Alexander Heatherwick-LammersAbbi HeskinsCharlotte PrinsleyBen

Mossing around in Kentish Town

Wednesday 16th October 2019

Written by Ben

26 of us GoodGymers came out to run on another Wednesday night in Camden.

We had one lovely newbie tonight - Jodie - it was great to have you with us. Looking forward to seeing you on another run with us soon next week's link is here if you fancy! Tonight was also a milestone for Meredith and Hayley, as tonight's run marked their 100th good deeds! Well done both of you, and what an achievement. Here's to the next 100.

After our part crowdsourced intro - thank you CJ, Frances and Meredith for firing off the ways you can get fit and do good with GoodGym - we stretched and then headed off on our task just over 3 kilometers away to the Ashdown Court Sheltered Housing in Kentish Town.

After what seemed to be some of the longest waits until the green man flashed at crossings - or was it just me?! - we finally arrived in Kentish Town, met Cathi and got stuck in. There was lots to do:

  • Clearing out, sweeping and reorganising the tool shed

  • Sweeping and de-leafing the terrace and paths

  • Bulb-planting in the garden

  • Moss-scraping the patio stones

  • Moving some furniture from upstairs

Beth and Frances even helped tidy up one of the residents' balconies (see photos!).

With the bulbs planted, the paths swept and the moss scraped, our job was done. We had a quick team photo and said goodbye to Cathi before running another 3km back towards the Living Centre. After nearly 7km (!), we made sure to stretch out properly when we got back to base. From there it was on to the pub for some - there was an amazing cake baked by Hayley to celebrate 100 good deeds - and others headed homewards.

Next week and other news

COMMUNITY MISSION: Some of us will be heading back to Story Garden on Thursday evening to carry on our work there from 5pm. Sign up here if you want to help out!

NEXT WEEK: Join us on Wednesday for the an October run up to Kentish Town City Farm to help Mel and the team put up their marquees for the annual Apple Day celebrations! It's going to be a big one, so come along - and bring friends - as there'll be lots to do.

SOCIAL: Oh it's a biggie - the last social to be organised by Pritesh - and an unofficial GoodGym 10 year party, coming up on the 8th November. The record attendance to beat is 83, I think we can smash that! Put your name down here if you're coming along.

Have a great week and see you next time.

Happy running,


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CamdenGroup run
Hayley OberlanderRemoved UserFlora McWilliamAmelia ConwayMolly BridgePaul Bown


Wednesday 16th January 2019

Written by Paul Bown

23 Goodgymers ran 5-7km to help Cecil Sharp House and Sheltered housing!

Thank you very much for the kind words, cheers, cake and the card! It's been an absolute pleasure to lead you wonderful people over the last three years - you are amazing!

Welcome along to the newbies this week - Tom, Molly, Flora and Frances etc - thanks for coming!

In the news this week:

  1. Come join us for Sofia Races in May! Full details here.
  2. Check out all the raceteam events here - lots happening :)
  3. Goodgymers are doing Finsbury Parkrun and then the Islington Starter Session on Saturday 26th January - come join.

Sheltered Housing - Ashdown Crescent:

Frances led a team of 8 people to help Sheltered Housing up in Kentish Town. This is a fantastic charity that helps care for older people. The 50+ residents use the garden regularly during the day so our help in very valuable.

The group completed a 7km run overall, helped plant some winter plants/bulbs and sweeping up leaves and debris.

Double Tasking, Double Good

Cecil Sharp House:

The rest of us headed to Cecil Sharp House, the home of English Folk Song and Dance. We split into three teams:

  • Gravel Team emptied 10 bags of gravel along the edge of the front garden/driveway.
  • A team collected up the last of the leaves around the car park and backgarden.
  • Another group collected stigs, branches and twigs up from the back garden lawn.

Once team gravel was done they helped everyone else collect up leaves, weed and move bags of leaves to either Susannah's car or the coincidental recycling truck that arrived.

After a group photo we headed to Primrose Hill for some shuttle runs and calf raises before heading home to the pub.

Sign up for next week here when we'll be making beds for the homeless!

Cheers PB out

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CamdenGroup run
Francesca BrookJohn ShirleyChris GoldsackPaul BownFlora HendersonSechi Kailasa

Love Lunar

Wednesday 26th September 2018

Written by Paul Bown

23 Goodgymers ran 3-6km to help Sheltered Housing and Coram Fields with some Autumnal work

Thanks for coming guys and a huge thanks to Hanry the Founder of Lunar Cycles, in Kentish Town, for providing us with headtorches! Welcome along to Grace Gillis aka GG to her first GoodGym run.

In the news this week:

  1. The Monthly Social is in Angel on Thursday 4th October at the Islington Townhouse - come along - full details here.
  2. Frances Powrie is now the Chair of the GG Raceteam and Pritesh Mistry is the Secretary. We are looking for race suggestions for 2019 to make into our Big Races - please submit here.
  3. Read all about where your GG t-shirts come from here - the fantastic Camden Society!

We had two tasks to tackle last night, regulars Coram Fields and Sheltered Housing - both awesome charities!

Sheltered Housing Report:

Chris and Kat led the group up to Kentish Town to help the fantastic Sheltered housing, a charity that provides care and support for older people. The garden which we help look after is invaluable to the residents!

The tasks were as followed:

  • Frances, Chris and Abi built some shelves for grow bags to go on.
  • Jess and Pritesh pruned a tree
  • The rest of the group swept and collected leaves (8 bags worth)

Completing a wonderful 6km the majority of the team headed to the pub for a beer.

Coram Fields Report:

The rest of the group headed to the fantastic Coram Fields, a 7 acre children's playground that has over 40 trees! The task was simple and the group effective - to collect and bag up leaves.

Headtorch time!

Splitting into teams of 3-4 people we covered the paddling pool, adventure play area and lawn. Collecting in total an amazing 35 bags of leaves! Wow! We then headed to Russell Square for a fitness session, with some of the group doing a parlauf and the other focusing on calves and balancing.

Next week we are off to help St Mary's and another task (tbc) - sign up here.

PB out

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