Bristol Parks - Friends of Brunswick Cemetery

77 GoodGymers have supported Bristol Parks - Friends of Brunswick Cemetery with 47 tasks.

Top supporters
Melanie Young
Melanie Young (she/her)
Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Caroline (she/her)

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Blue Sky Banishing Bindweed

Monday 16th September

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

We turned our attention to a triangular bed that was away from other park users on a busy day in Brunswick Cemetery - the sun had brought everyone out to enjoy the lovely space we contribute to.

Brambles, bindweed and branches (the latter left by some commercial clearing without our tidying up skills) plus lots of Jerusalem Sage that’s spread too well in this bed, plus attempt 2 at cutting back the huge thistle, all in glorious sunshine.

The time flew by, then it was off to The Canteen for more chat and lovely lunch.

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BristolGroup run
Jason ThorneAzzurraVaguelyNorthernDarrenLaura


Tuesday 3rd September

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A beautiful summer's evening for our last daylight group run this year to Brunswick Cemetery.

After the mental challenge if folding dumpy sacks so they take up less space, came the physical task of path clearing and bramble bashing. The rain before a dry day meant pretty much perfect weather for clearing weeds, and even a pretty big sycamore sapling was liberated from the ground.

After tidying up, The Stable was the venue for GoodGym Eats and a game to try to name the famous Bristolians in the Last Supper style mural.

A great night and a short report as I have a monster headache/migraine.

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Wet weeding to bring sunshine

Monday 2nd September

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Refusing to be raised off, an hour of weeding and re-siting baby alchemila mollis plants from the path to a freshly weeded edge where they may be competing with the HUGE amount of buttercup thriving in the beds between the graves - we can try!

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BristolCommunity mission
David HeadJason ThorneFreya DoddJankaHelen Moore

The love life of an Angler (Fish)

Monday 26th August

Written by Bristol runner

Today's report is in the style of an excited school child writing about their school holiday.

I went to Brunswick Cemetery and there were some other people there. They were wearing red and were very nice. I don’t think there were any zombies there but I didn’t want to be composted so I kept moving. We cleared some paths and some bindweed and some other green things. I met the periwinkle that weren’t really periwinkle. There were no slugs or snails making squelchy noises but there was a snail that said hello. I’m not sure I’d want to be used as a military test dummy.

Anyway several dongs later it was the year 3000, but not much had changed. Glug.

Any relation to real events that took place today are merely a coincidence.

Until next time…

(thanks for thinking of the title Mel, my mind was blank)

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Tomb Raiding?

Monday 19th August

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

I knew there was a tomb under there somewhere!

Much chopping of brambles and pulling of buttercups and bindweed I to a dumpy sack revealed the edges of the lovely grasses and the hidden tomb.

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Too Humid to Handle?

Monday 12th August

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Hottest day of the year so far so shady spots got the weeding treatment today with some subtle edge finding.

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