15 GoodGymers have supported Lewisham Unity with 3 tasks.
Monday 12th August 2024
Written by Kim
In the years that we've been visiting Lewisham Unity it has been the coldest group run, the wettest group run and now the hottest group run!! A smaller group gathered at Glass Mill, only the bravest heading out to do good in that heat. We had a plan to run / walk and get to the task without feeling too hot and bothered.
The tasks for the evening were: - clear the grass of leaves, both front and back garden - mow the lawn - pick up litter - move the gravel to cover the bare spots
We got all the tasks ticked off and admired our giant bags of leaves we've collected over the years in the hope they'll turn into some excellent mulch.
Thanks team for heading back to Glass Mill without me whilst I went to check Molly hadn't melted in the heat!
Monday 18th March 2024
Written by Kim
It's good to be back with the team after a week of skiing but more importantly it's good to have Oli back from his marathon running in Tokyo so I no longer have to think of puns (thinking of them makes my brain hurt)!
Monday's task was at Lewisham Unity which is a multifaith community based in Catford, they have a great outdoor space which is lined with some wonderful (but huge) trees and their leaves and twigs fall all over the garden area.
Our task was to clear all the leaves and twigs and either put in the garden waste bin or the leaves in the giant bags which in a couple of years will be mulch! We're still waiting on seeing this mulch after collecting the leaves last year too, maybe this time next year we will see the results of our hard work.
We also tackled a quick litter pick and by the time we were leaving the garden was looking much tidier of leaves.
Great work team!
Monday 29th May 2023
Written by Kim
The last of our May bank holiday group runs was taking us to Catford to visit our friends at Lewisham Unity. A surprisingly shorter run that anticipated, a nice change from my usual longer than anticipated group runs!
There was a list of tasks for us to tackle: - moving the sand to create a path around the cherry tree and to protect the edges of the raised beds from weeds - watering all the recently planted vegetable plants and herbs - remove a sycamore that had self seeded and was now taking over - great work Julian! - mowing the lawn (a task that sparked a couple of reminders of childhood chores) - litter picking - moving a huge bag of leaves that we filled over a couple of visits in the cold dark months of winter
It was wonderful to visit the garden in daylight and see the difference we made during the winter visits when we could barely see what was there! We made a huge difference tonight that would have taken Simone and the team longer than the 45min that it took us.
Next week we're heading to Luxmore Gardens for more weeding and maybe some watering.