Move the Masses

65 GoodGymers have supported Move the Masses with 36 tasks.

Top supporters
York runner
Leanne (she/her)
York runner
Vicky Hearson
Vicky Hearson (she/her)

Upcoming sessions
Helping out at a charity ceilidh

Friday 20th September 2024 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Jenna DruryMitch
Debs SharpePeteHayden Holmes

Dancing, drinking, hot dogs and deck chairs - perfect recipe for a charity Ceilidh

Friday 22nd September 2023

Written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

Friday night saw our second charity ceilidh for Move Mates.

Lots of goodgymers pitched in to help including setting up, serving on the bar, and the fastest tidy up I've ever seen!

There was still times for lots of dancing and the band challenged us with lots of energetic numbers including the usual strip the willow, and finishing with Lady Godiva which involved piggy backing your partner down the line!

The very popular raffle saw Paul Kelly nab the top prize of a deck chair.

Thank you to Leanne for the photos- they really capture what a fun night it was!

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YorkCommunity mission
Nicky Woodall
Vicky Hearson
Angela GrahamPeteEd Woollard

Have I got news(letters) for you

Monday 10th April 2023

Written by Nicky Woodall (she/her)

8 brilliant GoodGymmers accepted the mission of delivering newsletters for our friends at Move the Masses.

Few photos were taken (mostly because I forgot to ask in time) but the jobs got done, which was the main thing.

Thank you everyone!

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YorkCommunity mission
Anna SemlyenAbi PerrinLaura BarrettJohn Bourton

Dancing the night away

Friday 23rd September 2022

Written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

Many goodgymers lent a hand at this fundraising event for Move the Masses. Some even tried to be on the bar all night to avoid dancing but by the end the atmosphere enticed everyone in! Aside from the smooth running of the bar volunteers helped set up, sell raffle tickets and clear away. A fun evening all round. See you again next year!

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YorkCommunity mission
Nicky Woodall
Emma Wilkommen

Masses of fun

Thursday 7th July 2022

Written by Nicky Woodall (she/her)

3 GoodGymmers collected and delivered leaflets for the Move the Masses Move Mates programme.

Sadly, Nicky got COVID so Barbara very kindly delivered hers for her.

Thanks everyone, good work!

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YorkCommunity mission
Tamar Goudie (Tay)
Debs SharpeEd Woollard

Race packs all delivered!

Monday 6th December 2021

Written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

thank you to the volunteers who delivered race packs far and wide (and some less far!)

there may be more to come

sorry to those who weren't needed

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YorkCommunity mission

Move Them Asses

Monday 25th October 2021

Written by York runner

Katie was the only one who found the mysterious secret alley to our new office (finding it wasn't part of the task - just a fun extra).

A simple task to carry some stuff up the stairs to the new office, thanks to everyone who helped!

Yes our office is right outside Flares nightclub too, excellent!

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