Gareth Davison


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Hat Doffer
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Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison went on a group run

Mon 7th Oct 2019 at 6:00pm

Couldn't Organise a Clean-Up in a Brewery

York Report written by York runner

A massive 50 GG Yorkies walked and ran for a huge Space Invaders clear-up.

Space Invaders is a very cool project which takes disused spaces and turns them into something for community benefit. In this case, the old York Brewery at the Malthouse is being turned into a souk, an affordable place for the craftspeople, makers and independent food sellers of York to sell their wares.

Space Invaders will be able to continue to use the space, which is destined to become a hotel, until the planning permission comes through.

But before we could go and invade some space, first we had to welcome one brand new runner, Rich, to the gang (go give him a cheer) and then we announced the GG Yorkie of the Month for September..... massive cheers and a big well done to Bec!!

Mitch led a group on a 5k loop to get there whilst the walkers and the rest of the runners took the shorter option which was all of 550m.

'Grubby' is a bit of a gross understatement for the inside of the warehouse. Task owner Emily was at the ready with many huge soapy trugs, bags of rags and a selection of tools and dust masks. She'd also written and sellotaped a list of tasks on the wall of each room.

There was small stuff to move, big stuff to move, carpets to pull up, cobwebs to pull down and nails to extract from beams, but mostly, there were walls and floors to scrub. Very dirty walls and floors.

I've got a big dirty puddle and nowhere to put it - Ellie G

The big downstairs area was well underway when Mitch's running crew arrived so they headed upstairs to pull nails out of beams, help move one gigantic desk, sweep and scrub the staircase and start to clean the large upstairs area.

Only half of the building had power so there were a lot of very dark staircases and side rooms. Beth was lighting the way and keeping everyone safe with the light from her phone on the creepy stairwell.

I'm certain I've seen this place on Most Haunted!

After we had done as much scrubbing as we could do, everybody headed downstairs where we completed a workout involving people having to interpret their own way to complete floor exercises without putting their hands on the floor.

We are back to do more tasks at the Malthouse on Thursday between 6 and 8pm, come and join us!

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Aidan Kettle
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison signed up to a group run.

Mon 7th Oct 2019 at 6:00pm

Massive Clean Up for Space Invaders

..a teeny tiny walk to this task!

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Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym. 😎

Monday 2nd September 2019

High 5

High 5

Gareth Davison completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym.

Gareth is a now a pretty committed GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the fifth time

Aidan Kettle
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison went on a group run

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 at 6:00pm

GoodGym takes the edge off

York Report written by Leanne (she/her)

32 GG Yorkies ran 6km to help tidy up Fishponds Wood.

Before the festivities commenced, there was a lot to celebrate including:

  • Barbara completing her 100th parkrun
  • Laurence coming first at York Parkrun and getting a parkrun PB
  • Nick, Stef, Lindsay and others running 10ks in Tholthorpe and Wetherby

Lindsay was announced as GG Yorkie of the Month for August. Lindsay had set herself a goal to complete her 50th good deed by the end of the month and absolutely smashed it with loads of community and older people missions. She also ventured out of York on some GoodGym tourism, and completed a top secret mission to collect the January Challenge golden trowel from Bristol in the process. Give her a cheer!

We welcomed no less than three new runners:

In sadder news, we acknowledged Tom's last run with GoodGym York. We'll look forward to checking out his antics with GoodGym Swindon in the near future.

At Fishponds Wood, Kristina greeted us with a van full of tools. Each runner selected their weapon of choice before venturing into the woods to complete our tasks for the day which were:

  • Edging the paths
  • Raking up arisings
  • Cutting back nettles

The group split into three teams and got to work. Martyn wasn't too satisfied with his tool and announced

I'm going to find one of those diggy things

Meanwhile, Max was having fun with the leaf blowers, trying to create himself some sort of Iron Man suit.

Paul Kelly told me that I should boss people around more - and then immediately followed up with 'not me - I should get special treatment.' It turned out that the group were working well together and needed hardly any bossing about. Within half an hour, everything was looking a whole lot tidier.

Burpees for Sean

On the way back to base, we stopped off for a very special fitness session.

Following the sad news that local hero and GoodGym Yorkie, Sean Coxhead lost his battle to cancer yesterday, it seemed fitting to exercise in his memory. A few weeks ago, Sean had messaged a few of us to let us know that he only had a few weeks left to live. Egg asked him 'What can we do to make your weeks as good as possible?'

Make em do burpees for me :) buahaha (Sean)

So in memory of the wonderful (if slightly evil) Sean, we did a lot of burpees, with added planks, plank jacks, rotating planks and plank walkouts.

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Aidan Kettle
Vicky Hearson

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York runner

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 at 10:43pm

Excellent gooding team! Hope you worked those burpees extra hard 💪🏼

Leanne (she/her)

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 at 10:44pm

There's video...

York runner

Tue 3rd Sep 2019 at 12:07pm

Ha! And I get no mention for trying my very hardest to overcome adversity and get to Fishponds Wood (joking!)

York runner

Tue 3rd Sep 2019 at 5:52pm

PS I LOVE Sean’s last wish - superhero! 🤩

Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison went on a group run

Mon 19th Aug 2019 at 6:00pm

Should I stay or should I blow?

York Report written by York runner

An amazing crowd of 48 GG Yorkies descended upon the riverside cycle path!!

You just never know how many people are going to come to GoodGym, there's no rhyme or reason to it. Tonight, even with some of our most loyal regulars off on holidays, a huge team gathered for a massive task to cut back overgrowing vegetation on the cycle path between the Clifton Bridge and Rawcliffe.

We welcomed along a swathe of new runners, including Martyn who conscientiously turned up early only to find a small and hardy sub-team completing a hardcore HIIT workout.

Don't worry, this isn't normal!

There were several big achievements to announce tonight:

  • Lindsay was running her 50th good deed and was presented with the Cape of Good Deeds
  • John was running his 100th good deed and was presented with the Centurion Cape
  • Laura was finally presented with the accolade of GG Yorkie of the Month for July (after Katie and Becky completed a secret craft mission last week to create a new frame after the last one went AWOL)

After a little warm up we all headed out en masse, over Scarborough Bridge and along the River Ouse. The shorter run group (distance 2.2km out) stopped at Clifton Bridge were we were met by Beki and her van of tools. Everyone debated whether to stop or whether to carry on along the cycle path to search for Jenny (estimated distance 3.5-3.8km).

The task tonight was to reclaim the cycle path by cutting back overhanging vegetation and getting the path back to it's full width, making life easier for everyone who uses it.

Tim led the longer group and was watching the distance closely as his team ran further and further into Clifton Ings, eagerly looking out for the mysterious Jenny and her wheelbarrow of tools. They mistook a fair few dog walkers and pedestrians for her, but finally after 4.5km of running (sorry for the understimation there!), she was spotted with her stash of loppers!

At first it seemed an insurmountable task at the Rawcliffe end but it turned out that Jenny had started the crew at the hardest bit. Laurence, Pete and Emily dutifully cleared the lopped branches from the path. whilst Ed did his best to fall down a hole whilst carrying a saw.

Add that one to the risk assessment!

Speaking of risk assessments, at my end Beki was asking if we could use powertools but why would anyone want to use a powertool when you could hack with your best muscles?!

The only tool we could allow was a leaf-blower, and everyone was extremely excited about it. Everyone except Caped John who has one at home. John was taking his 100th good deed very seriously indeed, firstly helping Beki get the van down safely onto the path, then taking charge of some complex sawing tasks for the thicker overhanging branches, but then he did end up leaf blowing (after a few others had taken their turn) and had definitely lied about being excited about it.

We all gathered back together along the river for some fitness action of partner exercises including:

  • walk out plank high fives
  • lean out squats
  • sit-up high-tens

...and the finisher, a huge team plank and commando crawl race with the smallest and most agile members doing commando crawl duties. Mitch and Tom did win for their team but we're pretty sure (having reviewed the video footage) that their team had fewer members and therefore less distance to travel. Really everyone was a winner as nobody dropped their plank so there were no burpee forfeits to be had!

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Vicky HearsonAidan Kettle
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison went on a group run

Mon 12th Aug 2019 at 6:00pm


York Report written by York runner

On a sunny late summer eve, 38 GG Yorkies ran to St Nicks to continue the huge meadow keeper's project.

We welcomed along a brand new runner, Jane, who has been meaning to come along for ages after hearing about GoodGym at York Beer Runners, welcome Jane!

Tonight it was the turn of MAGNIFICENT MADDY to wear the Centurion Cape as she completed her 101st good deed (her 100th was a mission over the weekend) - make sure you go and give her some huge cheers.

We arrived at St Nicks to a beautiful display of rakes and scythes which Jonathan had lovingly created for us. As well as explaining why we need to scythe and rake (c'mon, you know this now; wildflowers thrive in nitrogen poor soil so grasses/weeds need cutting back and removing so they don't break down and add extra nutrients and stop wildflowers from living their best life), he also gave us a bit of an equality and diversity statement.

We have tiny scythes for the tiny people and massive rakes for massive people. We're very inclusive.

Maria turned up with a 'barrow full of spades for another task in the meadow for those who were feeling like they wanted a bit more of a workout. This task was to basically completely dig up a patch of very thick grass where scything simply wouldn't cut it.

The action kicked off with scythers making quick progress into the long grass, rakers raking up big piles and Gareth learning all about the benefits of a pitchfork.

It's actually amazing how much grass you can pick up with one!

Pete and Tom were the official grass removal crew, dragging bags and tarps full of cut grass to the composting area, whilst Tim was the official grass and soil remover for the digging team.

A bonus extra task came up when Jonathan re-emerged with some metal rakes and got a small team to start scarifying another area ready for more wildflower seeds (scarifying: rake the ground really hard to break up the soil).

This grass is definitely very scared, petrified! (not sure if it was John or Nick with the dad jokes)

In 50 minutes, a huge area of the meadow had been completely cut back. The diggers had finished their patch and enjoyed a little 'seed and stomp' action whilst Rich scythed to the bitter end to make sure he broke through to the 'other side'.

For our fitness session, we enjoyed a little game of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Cones, which involved some fierce cone-grabbing action, forfeit burpees and a winner's game of "pick the exercise". I have to say I felt very proud of Vicky for choosing press-ups and Beth too who made her partner hold a plank - absolute heroes. For future reference (Katie and Mitch), 'rock, paper, scissors' is NOT an exercise.

Next week we're all together again for one massive cycle path clearance along the river, see you then.

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Aidan KettleVicky Hearson
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison signed up to a group run.

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 at 6:00pm

Help prepare for 'Fragile Earth' at Fishponds

Prepare the site for a local school project

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Vicky Hearson
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison cheered by other people 25 times. 🤩

Monday 5th August 2019



Gareth Davison cheered by other people 25 times.

Gareth is part of a crowd that's making a huge noise. Gareth has been cheered by 25 people - that's a round of applause just on their own. We hope they keep it up.

Vicky Hearson
Gareth Davison
Gareth Davison been cheered 10 times. 🎉

Monday 5th August 2019

Hat Doffer

Hat Doffer

Gareth Davison been cheered 10 times.

Goodgymers have noticed what Gareth has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Gareth.

Aidan Kettle
Vicky Hearson
