A change for the letter

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Wandsworth
Benjamin Aslan
Tekeste Ghebremariam
Lisa Chestnutt
Helen Tarrant
Jason Kurtis
Catherine Moore
Stephanie Stevenson
Sophie Humphrey
Anastasia Hancock
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Monday 24th February

Catherine Moore
Catherine Moore


Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

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This week's run was part two of a massive job we started last Monday, so it was great to find a group of happy smiling GGers ready to tackle the challenge at the BAC last night!

A big welcome to Tekeste who joined for the first time - lovely to have you with us!

The task was for an intergenerational charity called Sparkle, which aims to bring together the youngest and oldest in our community to prevent loneliness, share skills and have fun. They wanted to spread the word about their weekly clubs which happen locally, and to get as many people as possible involved.

Last week we addressed, stuffed and sealed over 1000 envelopes, and last night it was time to deliver them!

So after a good run to the church where the boxes were waiting for us, we divided up into teams, each captained by a task force leader, and took a road each.

Armed with an armful of envelopes the delivery was swift and efficient, and before long we were all reunited in the church hall to get a few more envelopes ready to go.

There was just time to squeeze in a tough fitness session outside. Featuring sprints, jacks, plank and wall sits, all our major muscle groups were given a good work out - and hopefully not too much of it was caught on all the ring doorbells!

Next week we're back for our monthly run to Doddington roof garden followed by a social and we have a fun community mission coming up in March helping sort the outside area of a day centre for the elderly.

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Jack Da Silva

Thu 27th Feb at 10:07am

great task!

Join us on our next session


Painting the treatment rooms at Wandsworth Bereavement Services
🗓Tomorrow 6:30pm

Support this free counseling service for Wandsworth residents

Jason KurtisPritesh MistryStephanie StevensonAliSophie Humphrey
10 GoodGymers are going