Monday 2nd September 2024
Report written by Sallyann Hardwick
Things that make Monday nights one of the best nights of the week..... in no particular order: 1. The opportunity to be outside -tonight felt like we are on the verge of autumn a warmish start leading into a cooler finish with the light starting to fade
The opportunity to give a little back to the amazing initiatives across the city - tonight we were tasked with removing the rotting wooden frames of two raised beds whilst trying to not disturb the actual raised beds.
The opportunity to learn new skills. John is always supportive and willing to share his knowledge and expertise and tonight was no exception. we needed to use various techniques and tools as whilst some of the wooden sleepers were rotten through other ones were still strong and gives with bolts and screws which all had to be negotiated.
The opportunity for a physics lesson may arise at any point - at one particularly difficult to remove section of wood Pauline called out.. we need a fulcrum and then said 'Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world' and then mentioned Archie someone...well i could not find an Archie signed up for this task . However with a lesson in fulcrums Pauline managed to remove the stubborn wood which had us all clapping and cheering. Physics lessons never felt this much fun before.
The opportunity to work together - its the start of the new school year a busy time for teachers and parents and its also the season for various lurgies. so tonight we were a small team of four but we achieved the task working together.
The opportunity to be welcomed into the community space and group tonight it was so lovely to be back with John and greeted by Barton who we all love (John's chocokate labrador that we all assured John we were happy to have around). We were able to see some of the fruits of our previous labours and talking of fruits John insisted that we all picked a bag of tomatoes to take home... they are absolutely delicious. we finished the evening by being invited to the open evening social at the end of the month.
The opportunity to spend the evening with a group of people that are just .... well fab.
Making our city a cleaner place