Crisp packet blankets - the project continues

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Leeds

Saturday 13th February 2021




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Report written by Gemma

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Did you know that empty crisp packets can be recycled to create life-saving blankets for people experiencing homelessness? I didn't, well not until recently. But now I know that it is possible to give crisp packets a new lease of life - and help people at the same time, I have been spending every spare minute that I have cutting, washing and ironing crisp packets so that I can help at least a few people in Leeds to keep warm and dry this winter.

This week's mission was to prepare another bin bagful of crisp packets - which I did! The packets are now ready to iron together. My goal is to get at least 600 packets prepped by the end of the month. In doing so, I will have enough packets to make at least 4 sleeping bags/ blankets which I will then give to the Homeless Street Angels to distribute.

If you would like to get involved - get in touch with Gemma ( who can give you a supply of packets to get started with - or you could start collecting your own crisp packets! Here is a great, easy to follow video that can guide you through the process of making a blanket:

This task supported
Homeless Street Angels
Working to get the homeless off the street into a stable environment and way of life they are able to uphold, with continued ongoing support from the Homeless Street Angels

A Leeds based charity that believes that homeless and marginalised individuals are capable of change and will only achieve their full potential when offered a safe, supportive, empowering and non-judgemental environment – it is our vision to provide such an environment and meaningful activities which will help reverse the spiral of homelessness.

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Gardening at Seacroft Forest Garden
🗓Sunday 9th March 10:00am

It will improve the local area

LauraDiniJoshua Note
3 GoodGymers are going - 12 spaces left! 👀