Fry & stop us from prepping these packets!

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Leeds
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Saturday 20th February 2021




Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Gemma

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Two GoodGym- ers have been making the most of the extra time at home by prepping bags of crisp packets for the Homeless Street Angels.

Gemma and Tom have cut, washed and ironed their way through numerous packets of crisps, getting them ready to be converted into blankets/ bags for people experiencing homelessness in Leeds.

We still have a lot of packets to get through - so will be continuing our mission this week. If you would like to get involved and help us out - get in touch with Gemma (

This task supported
Homeless Street Angels
Working to get the homeless off the street into a stable environment and way of life they are able to uphold, with continued ongoing support from the Homeless Street Angels

A Leeds based charity that believes that homeless and marginalised individuals are capable of change and will only achieve their full potential when offered a safe, supportive, empowering and non-judgemental environment – it is our vision to provide such an environment and meaningful activities which will help reverse the spiral of homelessness.

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Discuss this report
CJ Jessup

Tue 23rd Feb 2021 at 5:42pm

This is amazing! It always annoys me when crisp bags can't be recycled. What a brilliant idea!

CJ Jessup

Tue 23rd Feb 2021 at 5:43pm

Would they accept some in the post? 😂

Join us on our next session


Running & Litterpicking
🗓Wednesday 6:00pm

We will create crafts to be sold for Made4aid

LauraJasonZoe ThompsonLloyd Sundal
4 GoodGymers are going - 21 spaces left! 👀