Quite a Mischief, but they lived Apple-y ever after

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Roz Glover
Nathalie Levi
Lloyd Sullivan
Sarah Nicholas
Phill Stone
Shona Buchanan
Russ Cahill
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Saturday 5th October 2019

Shona Buchanan
Shona Buchanan


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Report written by Shona Buchanan

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For this morning's run, four of us met at Mud Dock and jogged a lovely short 1km to Windmill Hill City Farm, gathering Alex on the way and meeting Sarah on arrival. Soon after, another host of GoodGymers arrived at the farm to back up the efforts and ensure we got loads done in the next hour. It was great to have Lloyd join us for the first time today and hope to see you again soon!

Beth welcomed us to the farm and split us into groups for the different tasks. Dave and Alex set to work on removing all of the apples from the apple tree which is growing in the children's nursery and is becoming a health and safety hazard to wandering toddlers. They got to use an apple remover and I have never seen either of them so in their element.

Sarah, Art and Nathalie got to work clearing the overgrown fire escape route from the nursery to allow easy access in case of emergency. They filled three tubs of weeds which had been cleared out of the way.

Everyone else was set on the slightly less glamorous task of turning compost and weeding next to the compost. They did brilliant work, and had the surprise of finding a nest of baby rats in the compost! (Hint on today's title pun: a group of rats is called a mischief)

After an hour of work, Beth got the kettle on and we had a noisy at the amazing array of animals hidden around the farm (apparently including a penguin, if you go by Russ's acting of animals on the farm). Caffeined up, we wished the farm goodbye to enjoy a sunny Saturday.

This task supported
Windmill Hill City Farm
A place where people grow

Windmill Hill City Farm is a charity that provides recreation, education and therapy using food, farming and the environment as a theme.

See more

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Russ Cahill

Mon 7th Oct 2019 at 9:00am

I can't believe that no-one else saw the penguins!

Join us on our next session


Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀