Tuesday 13th August 2019
Report written by Lisa Hamilton
7 good gym runners ran the small distance of 3km total to St Matthews church in Edgeley. We have been here a few times before to help out in the garden, to distribute leaflets for a community event and our last visit was for a Christmas clean up.
Last night we went for a general tidy and clean. As ever we were met by the* wonderful Pam Robinson*, who inspires me every time we chat, her enthusiasm and love for the community is amazing, and so in turn the church is used for many great local community projects, the church itself holds baby/ toddler groups, support groups, community projects and much more...... They also hold community open days which last time included various charities, help/care centres, small bussinesses and people from the community coming together, not only was this a great way for the community to get together and find out what was happening locally, it was a great social event and was a great way for the small businesses and local projects to join forces and see what they do together to make Stockport itself a more positive and vibrant place with more opportunities for its residents.
We had a wonderful night, for once the weather was perfect for running. We had a slightly longer warm up this week as we waited for a runner to turn up, with the task being so close we could do this, we then ran 1.5km to St Matthews where we were met by Pam, with a brew and biscuits! She also dished out a list of jobs, a carpet cleaner, feather duster, polish and sweeping brushes!
Everyone teamed together to get the church looking and smelling fresh and clean. Well done runners, you did great.
Once the list was very nearly complete (just the carpet to do!) we set outside for a run/circuit session to work off the biscuits, the fitness fun comprimised of press ups, star jumps, plank holds, static sumo squats and more, the biscuit energy was 100% worked off.
Well done to everyone that came along and worked hard, and thanks again to the wonderful Pam for her brew skills! And also thank you for showing me the new church house which looks fab! A new exciting space enabling St Matthews to host more community projects and events, it looks brilliant, Theres a few rooms that need a lick of paint, so we will need to get out paintbrushes out…….
Have a great week running folks, don’t forget that Trafford Launches next wed 21st, and we celebrate turning 1 the week after Tues 27th.****
Happy running, Lisa x x
Church in Edgeley that is widely used by the community. Lots of social groups and gatherings
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The Friends' group struggle to remove balsam, which is widespread throughout the valley, so any extra help is welcome