Monday 28th May 2018
Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
It all started so promisingly last night - sunny skies, a beautiful bank holiday evening, a nice warm 5k run ahead of us.
We even had two lovely new runners to welcome to the group - please say a big GG hello to Emily and to Shelly who smashed their first group run last night.
We also said a big well done to Paul who had raced 10k that morning and still made it to the run, such dedication!
Don't forget that the GoodGym Olympics are on the 30th June, but you only have another week to sign up to the events! The sign up page is here -so check it out to be part of Team Wandsworth and to have a cracking day in the process!
We kicked off the night getting hot and sweaty (but for how long?) with a warm up which involved star jumps, high knees, and fast feet, and talked a little about what we had been doing that bank holiday. Eating formed a big part of our long weekend (including a massive three BBQ record!), as did running (whoop), picnicing, making paella and going to a trance festival. Good times.
Our job tonight was to spread the word about the healthy living community day being put on by the amazing Share charity. This organisation works with disabled people who need extra help and support in order to achieve their potential and realise their dreams. Share’s aim is to transform the lives of disabled people so that they live more independently by providing training and employment support. The community day they're putting on this coming Saturday in Tooting is launching their 'Share garden', and they needed us to help local residents learn about the event.
We set off for Clapham Common West Side, and found the streets they had asked us to target. Splitting into two groups we each had a bundle of the 350 leaflets, and got cracking delivering them, pausing for a few squats and star jumps along the way. It was all going so well when suddenly, with a huge crack of thunder, the heavens opened and we were engulfed in a massive rainstorm. Most of us cowered under the trees for shelter, but Jordan and Rob could not resist jumping out into the shower and getting happily drenched. Sadly pouring rain and my iphone did not mix so I didn't manage to capture the moment!
Thankfully it soon passed and feeling a little more 'refreshed' we finished the job and headed to the common to do our fitness session session. We kicked off with a little game which saw Paul and Stephen leading the pack in a run/jog/walk wave around the park, before moving on to working on our ABCs in a series of forward and back lunges, squat jumps, grapevines and even a bear crawl. One last drill which saw us thinking about our cadence and the length of time our feet stay in contact with the floor.
All that was left was to haul ourselves, dripping all the way, back to the BAC. We did a nice long and very damp stretch before enjoying the end of the bank holiday evening in the pub. You are all holiday heroes for giving up your time last night! Special thanks also to the excellent Jordan who let us keep our stuff in the boot of his car as our usual room was closed for the night.
Next week we're off to a new task at a local community centre, when we'll be spending the evening sorting out their outside area. Sign up here for more doing good, fun and fitness.
Tue 29th May 2018 at 1:32pm
This run is probably is up there with the snow run in January in terms of most extreme weather running. Amazing
Tue 29th May 2018 at 5:54pm
Hope you've dried off now Jordan!
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