Age Friendly York

To map benches in the Micklegate Ward
Looks at how York does to make the place an age friendly city through World Health Organisation checks. Age Friendly York is currently looking at Getting Out And About and residents are saying they need benches to break up their journey so they can get to the shops and other places.

67 GoodGymers have supported Age Friendly York with 37 tasks.

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Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
LeanneCarl WainNicola Gover


Thursday 12th January 2023

Written by Leanne (she/her)

3 GG Yorkies met at a bench in Haxby to cycle the streets searching for more benches.

Each were assigned their own area to scour. 45 minutes later they reunited at the meeting bench to confirm that there really weren't that many benches in Haxby.

Our findings will be reported back to the council so that they can let older and less mobile folk know where they can rest their legs if they go for a walk.

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YorkCommunity mission
LeanneCarl Wain

To the outer ring-road and beyond!

Wednesday 17th August 2022

Written by Carl Wain

Amy, Maddy, Max, Leanne and Carl met at a bench in Huntington to get the bench mapping project up and running again. Goodgym committed to run, cycle or walk every street of York so that residents who needed to rest their legs could plan where they could stop and the Council could see where new benches may be needed. It also helps to see what condition the benches in and which ones need repairing.

We all arrived on bike with the exception of Max who had to run under 5 min/km to arrive on time. Max ran the Huntington area, Maddy did Earswick while Leanne, Amy and Carl set off at a rapid pace to Strensall. The trio split off in Strensall to cover all the streets and met up again at a designated spot. Amy and Carl watched Leanne then whizz past waving them on so we could get back to the group in time. The mission was accomplished with one less bench than previously recorded and 3 new ones in a play area. Lianne even managed to find a slightly overgrown bench where she could foraging blackberries while sitting down.

We set off for a more scenic route home, shouting words of encouragement to Max as he set off running again. Carl checking his Strava afterwards, he had done 27km’s so definitely worth the exercise. Off to Haxby next ….

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YorkCommunity mission
Carl Wain
Michal Czekajlo

Bikes in the Backies

Thursday 24th June 2021

Written by Carl Wain

Six of us met, appropriately at a bench, to carry out this benchmarking exercise. Part of a massive commitment by Goodgym to run every street of York. We were so keen that 4 of us were half an hour early. Great opportunity to catch up with Nick and Babbs and to meet Katherine. Nick was our Knight on shining bike by joining the task last minute but only had cycle shoes as a result. So Nick and Babbs cycled around Clifton Backies and discovered some lovely ornate benches. It is said amongst the locals that there was a carved wooden bench called the witches corner but it has mysteriously disappeared (well, vandalised unfortunately). Michael and Louise did one set of streets and found plenty of unmarked benches while Katherine and myself decided to clock up some additional distance by having our map upside down and going in the wrong direction (I take all the credit for that one).

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YorkCommunity mission
Michael LeadbetterDebs SharpeMitchKieran

Heart 'Bench'-ing

Monday 17th August 2020

Written by Mitch

Four GoodGymers continued our benchmarking task of mapping all the benches in the city so people know where they can sit when they are on a walk.

The weather was less than ideal, and there were many MANY benches, but in true GG style, we had them all mapped and logged despite the rain. There was even enough time for a cheeky pint after!

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YorkCommunity mission

Slim bench pickings in the York Business park

Monday 17th August 2020

Written by York runner

Well, I'll confess I was cynical that there would be many benches to be found in a business park on the outskirts of York. But we started well finding three mouldy old picnic benches right outside the chippy where Max, Barbara and I met (on the grounds it is one of the few recognisable landmarks if you didn't want to buy a car). Max and Barbara went on a futile dash out and back along Millfield Lane, and we decided that we knew the land between the railway and the river well enough to be sure there are no benches there - for a start you have to go through a tunnel and climb a gate to get there in the first place. Meanwhile I ran around the business park and was suprised to find a weird looking bench time contraption in some scrubby wasteland near yet another car salesroom. Though not as suprised as the kids hiding out in the woods sitting on the bench who were confused by me wandering in, looking intensely where they were sat and then running away while scribbling notes.

Oh, and this was Barbara's 300th good deed! Incredible!

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YorkCommunity mission
LeanneMelissa JordanVicky HearsonNicola Gover

Let's all go on a bench Hunt(ington)!

Monday 17th August 2020

Written by Nicola Gover

After a brief catch up and Mel proudly showing us she still fitted into her GoodGym top, for now, Team Bump set off (with incognito run buddy Luke) to map Bellfarm estate, which turned out to have loads of benches. Team Hopalong (for once not including me) set out walking for the Huntington section, reconfirming only the benches on the old map. Team Nettle took the riverbank and around Nestle, confirming there are no benches (except a big bus stop), no footpaths where we thought there were footpaths, and plenty of nettles.

The rain shower didn't put us off and we all managed to keep the maps dry (Vicky by shoving it up her top apparently 😂). Mission accomplished, we all set off home for our well earned teas.

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