Friends of Danesmead Wood

Helps keep the wood nice to use and increase bio diversity
This is a small group of volunteers who try to mwke the wood a great place to use for everyone.

110 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Danesmead Wood with 36 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
James TilburnEmmaStefan DurkinDouglas AndersonAbigail DartonLaura Bennett

What a rake-et

Wednesday 18th September

Written by James Tilburn

Six of us returned to Danesmead Wood for some woodchip barrowing in the autumn sun.

With woodchip mounds at either end of the path we split into two teams. Team one was made up of the people who arrived on time and team two those of us who either couldn't find the meeting or misjudged the Wednesday night traffic. Jude from the friends of the wood was marshalling our work to ensure the woodchip lasted long enough for the whole path.

We made light work of the task, finishing just over the planned hour. New member Douglas was barrowing like a pro by the end of the task.

Sadly Jude had not had chance to make the usual traybake but she did provide us with some excellent rocky road from the local M&S so no one went away disappointed.

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YorkCommunity mission
James TilburnCara OrganLaura BarrettLeannePaul Kelly

Chip chip hooray

Sunday 14th January

Written by James Tilburn

Two wheelbarrows, two shovels, a rake, a fork and a huge pile of wood chip - a perfect Sunday morning task.

With the promise of tray bake at the end, we made quick work barrowing the wood chip with Cara and Laura shovelling, Paul raking and me and Leanne running up and down with the wheelbarrows. Good work done and bellies full of chocolate we headed to the pub for a well earned lunch.

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YorkCommunity mission
Cara OrganLeanne
Laura BarrettDavid BarrettPaul Kelly

Put the nettle on

Sunday 22nd October 2023

Written by James Tilburn

A surprisingly large turnout for a frosty Sunday morning saw eight of York's finest descend on Danesmead Wood to clear nettles and eat cake.

With directions that bore very little resemblance to the actual location of the task, finding where we were working proved to be a bit of a challenge. Luckily, the happy sound of Goodgymmers in their natural habitat made it easier for those of us that were confused to find where we were meant to be.

In the clear part of the wood where we were working, nettles had dug in for the long haul and it was our job to dig deep and dig hard to get them out by to root so the area would be clear for the spring. It was hard work but the combination of a few days rain to soften the ground and autumn sun to warm us up meant this was not an unpleasant task.

The nettles hard surrounded one poor sapling and so we paid particular attention to clearing the space around it so the tree could establish itself and defeat the nettle menace.

After an hour of hard work, the nettles were beaten and Jude dished out the tea and cakes. Which were awesome.

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YorkCommunity mission
Laura Barrett
Paul KellyDebs SharpeAbigail DartonCharlotte Jones

Barking mud

Sunday 29th January 2023

Written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

we arrived at the wood faced with two piles of woodchip to spread with a mini group clearing mud off the recently flooded path.

Team Vicky, Neil and Debs tackled the smaller pile and make quick work before joining team bigger pile. Armed with lots of tools and wheelbarrows we got into a good rhythm and were a very efficient gang, accelerated by Leanne running all her barrow trips!

Whilst all this was happening Cara and Charlotte did a sterling jog of clearing the path.

All our efforts were rewarded with some of Jude's lovely cake!

An enjoyable morning had by all!

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YorkCommunity mission
Laura BarrettLeanneAngela GrahamPaul Kelly

Roped into Logging Another Good Deed

Sunday 10th July 2022

Written by Laura Barrett

5 Goodgymers came out in the heat to help the Friends of Danesmead Woods rake and move logs. Leanne and Paul showed particular dedication by coming back from camping especially for the task. First we were tasked with raking up most of the cuttings from the sything and moving them to the sides of the area. We then moved some heavy logs using Jude's clever rope system before being rewarded with some of Jude's wonderful rocky road tray bake. The logs had been part of a seating area but this had been damaged and misused so our job was to carry and toss the logs into the nettles to discourage this. We finished by moving a fourth log back onto its base to recreate a seat.

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YorkCommunity mission
LeannePaul KellyTamar Goudie (Tay)Ellie DoveBen DoveAntonia Van Koeverden

Bugsy Rehome

Sunday 27th February 2022

Written by Leanne (she/her)

The Friends of Danesmead Wood had a selection of tasks ready for us this morning - only slightly hampered by the fact that a few of the wheelbarrows we were going to use had been returned to their owners a little prematurely.

That didn't stop our creative bunch getting to work using spades, rakes and, in Antonia's case, feet to sweep aside detritus left behind from the recent flooding to clear the wood-side footpath and make room for a fresh layer of woodchip.

Once the ground prep had been done, we got to work on shoveling some slightly soggy woodchip. Paul Kelly and Louise quickly re-purposed their rakes to loosen the pile, making the shoveling a much easier job.

Shortly before a tea break, Jude requested some help with the relocation of a bug hotel. After a brief debate about who was least worried by the potential creepy crawlies, Leanne, Ben, Antonia and Tay (who bravely cast aside her fear of bugs to help out) trekked up the hill to find a rather luxury (and thankfully empty) bug hotel. They lifted it onto a trolley which Ben pulled further up the hill to the new location.

A quick refuel, involving Jude's delicious Rocky Road, gave us enough energy to distribute the rest of the woodchip down the path in the last 20 minutes of the task. Then all that remained was a leisurely cafe stop to brainstorm the run report pun - in the end Ben came up with the winning entry!

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