Friends of Hornfair Park

13 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Hornfair Park with 13 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Volunteering at Hornfair junior parkrun!

Sunday 22nd September 2024 8:30am - 10:00am

Volunteering at Hornfair junior parkrun!

Sunday 29th September 2024 8:30am - 10:00am

Previous sessions
GreenwichCommunity mission
John D Wren

Hornfair fanfare

Sunday 15th September

Written by Bexley runner

It was great fun cheering the children and parents around the 2k course at Hornfair junior parkrun.

High fives and smiles galore!

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GreenwichCommunity mission
Harvey Gallagher
Julian Osman
John D WrenDarryl Chamberlain

It's (Horn)fair to say we had fun

Sunday 25th August

Written by Bexley runner

We had fun helping at Hornfair Park junior parkrun.

We marshalled with giant foam hands giving high fives to the runners.

We did timekeeping at the finishing line.

We handed out finishing tokens.

We scanned barcodes to give everyone their results.

And we cheered a lot.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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GreenwichCommunity mission
Linda BoscicDarryl ChamberlainJulian OsmanBea Erdelyszky

Juniors' kickstart!

Sunday 28th July

Written by Darryl Chamberlain

A team of GoodGymers helped out as 28 children took part in the very first Hornfair Park junior parkrun in Charlton - filling in a gap in the local junior parkrun map and hopefully giving a boost to this forgotten-about park. This will be a regular GoodGym task, although you might have to bring your own cake in the coming weeks...

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GreenwichCommunity mission
Rachel HenryJohn D Wren
Sarah MPaul Breen

It faired us well

Sunday 9th June

Written by Rachel Henry

Five of us joined the Friends of Hornfair Park on Sunday to help out with the parks first PARKSfest. And a good turn out it was, with great community spirit and no incidents that we were aware of other than the toilets running out of soar which Sarah quickly solved with a trip to Co-op! Let's hope it was the first of many fairs in this park. Bring on some beer at the next one :)

Nice one team!

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