Hillfields Community Garden

A community garden running nature based groups and events.
We are a group of (mainly) mums who have come together to develop a growing project which will bring the community together benefiting all ages. We run nature based groups and events.

9 GoodGymers have supported Hillfields Community Garden with 3 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Digging in a new wildflower meadow in Hillfields Park

Saturday 21st September 2024 10:00am - 1:00pm

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Julie M

Playing postie for Hillfields

Saturday 17th February

Written by Julie M

Just the thing to do post Parkrun! The morning stayed dry as I took a gentle jog from Eastville Park up to Hillfields Library. There I met with Kat who shared chocolate biccies and and some leaflets to deliver. The Community Garden has been able to attract funding to support a climate project and are having a major push to get people involved. They needed Goodgym's help delivering leaflets in the local area. I was allocated some streets and off I went, listening to a podcast as I jogged along. Within an hour I was done, signed off with Kat and jogged home, rewarding myself with a fish and chip lunch. The Community Garden will be back outside from March so watch this space for further tasks!

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice DalrympleKayJulie MElle PembertonNathalie LeviPenelope Swift-Medford

No tyredness here, weed love to help

Saturday 18th March 2023

Written by Alice Dalrymple

We were blessed with a gloriously sunny morning for our task to help at the Hillfields community garden today. We were quickly assigned a variety of tasks which included:- weeding planters, planting new seeds into pots, rolling tyres, wheelbarrowing rubble and having a good natter as we went. The hour whizzed by and we left the park with the area looking much cleaner, clearer and greener than when we arrived. Result!

Thanks so much for joining me this morning. We will be back at the foodbank in April so keep your eyes peeled for the listing.

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice DalrympleJenny Chak
Katherine SuggNathalie Levi

No catastrophe, we delivered sloths of leaflets 🦥

Saturday 12th February 2022

Written by Alice Dalrymple

We had a lovely morning in BS15 delivering leaflets to spread the word about the Hillfields community garden. Once we had all found the park (which has many entrances) we took a quick photo before heading out on our mission.

We delivered lots of leaflets and got to admire lots of nice front doors. Along the way we met many cats, gnomes and even a sloth.

Look out for another community mission soon to finish off the flyering. The remaining leaflets may well smell of sausage rolls after my trip to Parsons bakery on the run home!

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