Spon Gate Primary School

Primary school located just outside of the city centre
Teach children from the ages of 4-11

24 GoodGymers have supported Spon Gate Primary School with 3 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
CoventryCommunity mission
LilianLaura PJackie DinesAllan Mansfield
Robert Bell

City of colour and culture

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Written by Liz Pharoah

This evening, 8 Goodgym Coventry members supported Spon Gate Primary School with painting some beds in their willow arch, weeding some beds and trimming back the pond area. Now, the children can take care of and use these areas with their Science and Gardening clubs.

It was great to meet Robert and to see Meera on some GoodGym tourism.

After the community mission, a small group set off to find culture and colour in town.

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CoventryCommunity mission
Liz PharoahNoufJackie DinesLaura P

Feeling hoppier!

Saturday 19th June 2021

Written by Liz Pharoah

It was great to return to Spon Gate Primary School today to tidy their pond area and lavender beds.

The 4 GoodGym members all set to task removing brambles, creating the beds if weeds and sweeping the paths.

Once this area was clear, we removed dead lavender and tidied the beds.

Noufal found a frog 🐸 and helped him return to the pond.

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CoventryGroup run
Kevin Jackson
Laura PAllan MansfieldLilianLiz Pharoah

Don't feel blue on a Tuesday, when you can feel grate with GoodGym!

Tuesday 23rd July 2019

Written by Liz Pharoah

On a remarkably hot Tuesday evening, 20 GoodGym Coventry runners ran 3 km to complete the mound moving at Spon Gate school, with an added bit of painting thrown in. It was great to meet Anna for her first GoodGym Coventry run.

Thanks to Lil for her offer of a walking group and Elise, Anna and Vic for their photos.

As it was so unbelievably hot today, preserving ourselves was of the utmost importance so we sought out shade at all opportunities. It was great to hear about parkrun adventures, Allan and Susanne, and to hear about trail runs-Elise.

We set off as a run / walk pace to travel the short distance to Spon Gate and soon set into groups to complete the tasks. It was really important that jobs were rotated and runners kept hydrated at all points. So everyone had a go at wheeling, shovelling, spreading and painting. We unearthed some great rocks and a grate. And smiled as several members started to look a little smurf-like after their painting shifts. I The team worked fantastically and it was son clear that we would complete the task today but it would mean skipping the fitness session- due to the heat and the very physical nature of the task, everyone had completed a full body workout already :)

We took it easy on our return to Drapers, stretched and caught up. It will be a few weeks till we see Susanne again as she is off for adventures on a tandem- have a great time Susanne.

Have a good week and see you all next week, Liz x

Next week we will stay behind for drinks at Drapers as an unofficial social.

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